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Tasks and lecturenotes

Chapter assignments

Ch 1 Introduction Fredrik & Jens
Ch 2 Stimulated Transitions Tomas K U
Ch 3 Electric Dipole Transitions  
Ch 4 Atomic Rate Equations Robert L
Ch 5 The Rabi Frequency  
Ch 6 Laser Pumping/Pop Inversion Gustav L
Ch 7 Laser Amplification  
Ch 8 More on Laser Amplification Miguel I O
Ch 9 Linear Pulse Propagation  
Ch 10 Nonlinear Pulse Propagation Charlotte L
Ch 11 Laser Mirrors/Regen Feedback Riaan C
Ch 12 Fundamentals of Laser Oscillation Hoda K  
Ch 13 Oscillation Dynamics & Threshold  
Ch 14 Optical Beams/Resonators Anne-Lise V
Ch 15 Ray Optics and Matrices Eleonora D L
Ch 16 Wave Optics/Gaussian Beams Ruslan I
Ch 17 Phys Propts of Gauss Beams  
Ch 18 Beam Perturb and Diffraction Katarina S
Ch 19 Stable Two-Mirror Resonator  
Ch 20 Complex Paraxial Wave Optics Xu S
Ch 21 Generalized Paraxial Resonator  
Ch 22 Unstable Optical Resonators Alexandrs M
Ch 23 More on Unstable Resonators  

Topics for the Advanced Course

  1. Laser Dynamics
  2. Q-Switching
  3. Mode-Locking


  1. Tomas Kristijonas Uzdavinys, tomasuzd@kth.se, 0720-327688, ICT/OFO
  2. Robert Lindberg, rolindbe@kth.se, 070-792 3758, LPh
  3. Gustav Lindgren, gl@laserphysics.kth.se, 070-779 5607, LPh
  4. Miguel Iglesias Olmedo, miguelio@kth.se, 070-4057922, ICT/OFO
  5. Charlotte Lilestrand, cl@laserphysics.kth.se, 070-526 8056, LPh
  6. Rian Coetzee, rc@laserphysics.kth.se, 072-840 3514, LPh
  7. Hoda Kianirad, hk@laserphysics,kth.se, 076-349 3810, LPh
  8. Anne-Lise Viotti, alviotti@kth.se, +33 687619588, LPh
  9. Eleonora De Luca, eldl@kth.se, 076-799 7882, QEO
  10. Ruslan Ivanov, rivanov@kth.se, 073-954 3844, OFO
  11. Katarina Stensson, stenss@kth.se, 070-604 3095, QEO
  12. Xu Sun, xus@kth.se, 0797-9069576, ICT/FMI
  13. Alexandrs Marinins, marinin@kth.se, 073-765 2091, ICT/OFO