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The course will be based on Anthony Siegman's book Lasers and it will be given as lectures by following the book, chapter by chapter. The lectures will be given by the students. Each student will give two hours of lectures and design one or two tasks, which he/she then will correct together with the course administrator. For the advanced course (FSK 3411) an additional topic, not covered by the book, is to be presented.

Basic Course FSK3410 10.5 hp
Advanced Course FSK3411 12.0 hp

The content in short is as follows:

  • Optical beams and resonators
  • Ray and wave optics,Gaussian beams
  • Laser dynamics, oscillation threshold conditions
  • Beam perturbation, diffraction
  • Resonator stability, ABCD matrix
  • Unstable resonators
  • Laser spiking and mode competition
  • Q-switching and mode-locking
  • Injection locking
  • Spatial hole burning

The lectures will be given by the students. Each student will give two hours of lectures and design one or two tasks, which he/she then will correct together with the course administrator.


The first lecture is scheduled to be on åå-mm-dd hh-mm in lecture hall XXXX, on the 5:th floor of AlbaNova.

The book can be bought individually at, for instance, Amazon Inc in the US, but there are also plans for ordering some bulk package collectively. If this is of interest to you, please contact NN-link at the laser physics group.