Internet of DevOps (IoD)
This project addresses industrial pain-points of future Digital Enterprises, related to the integration of heterogeneous data, tools and experts, required for successful Telecom & CPS development and maintenance. These tools and data silos need to be smoothly integrated throughout the engineering disciplines and workflows, and across the boundaries between software management, product management and operations professionals.
Funded by: Vinnova (via Celtic-Plus)
Timeline: Dec. 2018 – Dec. 2021
Number of partners: 15
This idea is at the cornerstone of the DevOps principles, focused on increasing the automation of software integration, testing, deployment and operation, with utilization of immediate feedback loops on and between all parties.
Such environments allow aggregation of integrated engineering data (i.e., towards big data analytics at the boundaries between software development, Industry 4.0 and IoT) and its visualization throughout the product lifecycle. Nowadays, this is a key business concern for European organizations developing CPS and Telecom applications, which have to adopt more lean, agile and iterative project planning, continuous integration and frequent delivery to lower their development costs while increasing quality of their development processes.
Website (temporary):
Scope: DevOps for Telecom & CPS Industry