Combined Model-based Analysis (MBAT)
MBAT (combined Model-based static Analysis and dynamic Testing of Embedded Systems) is an ARTEMIS funded project aiming at providing leading-edge technology which allows to develop high-quality & safe embedded systems at reduced costs in terms of time and money, focusing on V&V. This technology is provided by the project in form of a so-called MBAT Reference Technology Platform, or MBAT RTP for short. In the context of MBAT, the RTP is a V&V environment for embedded systems allowing diverse V&V technologies (e.g. tools) to interact on a common platform.
The increased V&V power at reduced costs provided by the MBAT RTP will be made possible through a new and very promising V&V approach in which model-based testing technologies will be combined with static analysis techniques. Besides this combination, a further new approach is to use (and re-use) specially designed test & analysis models (T&A models) as basis for model-based V&V. This advanced model-based V&V technology will lead to a more effective and at the same time cost-reducing approach compared to those used so far.
At its most visible part, the MBAT RTP will combine static analysis and dynamic test tools that haven’t been tightly integrated or even connected to each other so far. The connection will be made possible by means of the RTP which can from this point of view (and from a very simple perspective) be viewed as serving as a communication medium between these V&V tools. However, the RTP is much more than that, also providing processes, methods, meta models, guidelines, training and much more meant to support the approach to get a benefit out of the combination described above.
The MBAT RTP will be connected to other ARTEMIS RTPs extending existing ARTEMIS platforms to contribute to an overall ARTEMIS platform meant for the development & maintenance of embedded systems. Developed by industrial key players (large companies and SMEs) in the embedded systems domain and supported by leading research partners, the MBAT RTP will be of high value for the European industry, providing very effective means to assure utmost quality embedded systems at reduced costs.
MBAT is a 3 years project (Oct. 2010 – Oct. 2013) and consisting of 39 European partners into which KTH collaborate with many of them (e.g., Austrian Institute of Technology, AleniaSIA, AVL, Daimler, EADS, Mälardalen University, OFFIS, Selex, Siemens, Thales, Virtual Vehicle Competence Center, Volvo, just to name a few).
A main part our work from KTH includes the definition of Interoperability Specifications (IOS) used as a cornerstone for exchanging information within RTP-based integrated tools, the development of Learning-Based Testing tools, and the development of system level functional safety analysis based on Architecture Description Languages.
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