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KTH & SU Algebra and Geometry Seminar, Spring 2012


Seminars start 13.15. When at KTH, then in room 3733, and when at SU, then in room 306. Divergence from this is marked with a "*" and completed by, if needed, neccessary information. The format is either 60 minutes, or 2x45 minutes where the first 45 minutes are targeting graduate students.

If you have any questions, contact

David Rydh

Date Time Place Speaker Ttitle  
11 Jan 13:15 SU 306 Jan-Erik Roos, SU New results about Hilbert series of noncommutative algebras JER
1 Feb 13:15-15:00 KTH 3733 Jesper M. Møller, University of Copenhagen Euler characteristics of subgroup categories WC
8 Feb 13:15-15:00 SU 306 Afshin Goodarzi, University of Tehran Algebraic shifting and ideals with linear resolution RF
10 Feb 14:30-15:30 AlbaNova   SMC-kollokvium  
15 Feb 13:15-14:15 KTH 3733 Boris Shapiro, SU On the Waring problem for polynomial rings RF
22 Feb 13:15-15:00 SU 306 Björn Selander Elementary version of Giraud's non-abelian 2-cohomology RS
7 Mar 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Sergei Merkulov, SU A line in the plane and the Grothendieck-Teichmueller group SM
14 Mar 14:30-15:30 AlbaNova   SMC-kollokvium  
28 Mar 13:15-14:15 KTH 3733 Michelle Bucher, Université de Genève Exponential growth of group WC
4 April 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Sandra Di Rocco, KTH Higher order toric projective duality SD
11 April 14:30-15:30 AlbaNova   SMC-kollokvium  
18 April 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Lars Halvard Halle, Oslo Degenerations of Calabi-Yau varieties and motivic zeta functions RS
25 April 13:15 KTH 3733 Johan Alm, SU The universal noncommutative A_\infty deformation of Gerstenhaber algebras SM
2 May 13:15-15:00 SU 306 Matthew Stamps, Aalto University Betti diagrams of graphs RF
9 May 14:30-15:30 AlbaNova   SMC-kollokvium  
16 May 13:15 SU 306 Roy Skjelnes, KTH The Weil restriction and the Quot scheme RS
23 May 13:15 KTH 3733 Karen Vogtmann, Cornell University Automorphisms of free groups, hairy graphs and modular forms WC
30 May 13:15-15:00 SU 306 Jan-Erik Roos, SU Bass series of local rings. Computational aspects and conjectures JER
14 June 13:15 SU 306 Dan Petersen, KTH The structure of the tautological ring in genus one CF