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KTH & SU Algebra and Geometry Seminar, Fall 2013


Seminars start 13.15. When at KTH, then in room 3418, and when at SU, then in room 306. Divergence from this is marked with a "*" and completed by, if needed, neccessary information. The format is either 60 minutes, or 2x45 minutes where the first 45 minutes are targeting graduate students.


Date Time Place Speaker Ttitle  
4 Sep 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Mats Boij, KTH The Weak Lefschetz Property for artinian Gorenstein algebras WC
11 Sep 13:15 KTH 3418 Sean Tilson, KTH Power operations and Commutative ring spectra WC
18 Sep 13:15 SU 306 Jan-Erik Roos, SU Explicit structure of some graded Lie algebras in algebraic topology and algebra. WC
25 Sep 15:15-16:15 FD5 Roslagstullsbacken 21 SMC Colloquium    
2 Oct 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Dan Petersen, ETH More counterexamples to the Gorenstein conjecture. WC
9 Oct 15:15-16:15 B2 SMC Colloquium    
18 Oct* 14:15-15:15 SU 306 Michael Shapiro, Michigan State University Cluster algebras, planar networks, and Integrability of generalized pentagram maps. SDR
23 Oct 13:15 KTH 3418 David Rydh, KTH Compact generation of unbounded derived categories of stacks. WC
6 Nov 13:15-14:15 KTH 3418 Jonas Bergström, SU Cohomology of a Picard modular surface.  
13 Nov 13:15-15:00 SU 306 Jarod Alper, Australian National University Associated forms in classical invariant theory. DR
20 Nov 13:15-15:00 KTH 3418 Irakli Patchkoria, Copenhagen Rigidity in equivariant stable homotopy theory. WC
27 Nov 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Ralf Morrison, UC Berkeley Algorithms for Mumford curves over the p-adics. SDR
4 Dec 13:15-15:00 KTH 3418 Alessandro Oneto, SU Power ideals, from Fröberg conjecture to fat points. RF
11 Dec 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Justin Noel, University of Regensburg Equivariant homology of representation spheres and computations indexed by Picard groups. TB
18 Dec 13:15-15:00 KTH 3418 Diane Maclaga, University of Warwick Tropical schemes, tropical cycles, and valuated matroids. SDR

If you have any questions, contact

David Rydh