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KTH & SU Algebra and Geometry Seminar, Fall 2015


Seminars start 13.15. When at KTH, then in room 3418, and when at SU, then in room 306. Divergence from this is marked with a "*" and completed by, if needed, neccessary information. The format is either 60 minutes, or 2x45 minutes where the first 45 minutes are targeting graduate students.

Date Time Place Speaker Ttitle  
9 Sep 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Ivan Martino, University of Fribourg Subspace arrangements and motives of classifying stacks of reflection groups RF
15 Sep* 13:15:14:15 KTH 3418 Daniel Bergh, SU Categorical measures for equivariant varieties DR
16 Sep 15:15-16:15 Oskar Klein, Alba Nova SMC kollokvium    
30 Sep 13:15:14:15 KTH 3418 Sofia Tirabassi , University of Bergen Derived categories of abelian surfaces in positive characteristic SD
14 Oct 13:15:15:00 KTH 3418 Martin Westerholt-Raum, Chalmers University of Technology Modular forms and generating series JB
21 Oct 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Gustav Ståhl, KTH Total blow-ups of modules WC
26 Oct* 11:15-12:15 KTH 3418 Renzo Cavalieri, Colorado State University Tropicalizing a Hurwitz theorist SDR
28 Oct 13:15-14:15 KTH 3418 Bernd Schober , Leibniz Universität Hannover Known cases in Resolution of Singularities DR
4 Nov 15:15-16:15 Oskar Klein, Alba Nova SMC kollokvium    
11 Nov 13:15-14:15 KTH 3418 James Borger, Australian National University, Canberra Witt vectors and canonical lifts in families. TB
18 Nov 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Ralf Morrison, KTH Moduli of Tropical Plane Curves.  
20 Nov* 11:00-12:00 KTH 3418 Anders Lundman, KTH Higher order gauss maps. SD
25 Nov 13:15-14:15 KTH 3418 David Witt Nyström (Chalmers), University of Cambridge Okounkov bodies and embeddings of torus-invariant Kähler balls. DR
1 Dec* 13:15-15:00 SU 16 in house 5 Emil Sköldberg, NUI Galway Some monomial ideals with multiplicative resolutions. AB
2 Dec 15:15-16:15 Oskar Klein, Alba Nova SMC kollokvium    
9 Dec 13:15-15:00 KTH 3418 Clas Löfwall, SU The holonomy Lie algebra of matroids. Clas provided additional notes that can be found here. WC
16 Dec 13:15 SU 306 Afshin Goodarzi, KTH On sequential Cohen-Macaulayness. MB
23 Dec 13:15 KTH 3418      

David Rydh