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KTH & SU Algebra and Geometry Seminar, Fall 2014


Seminars start 13.15. When at KTH, then in room 3418, and when at SU, then in room 306. Divergence from this is marked with a "*" and completed by, if needed, neccessary information. The format is either 60 minutes, or 2x45 minutes where the first 45 minutes are targeting graduate students.

Date Time Place Speaker Ttitle  
27 Aug 13:15-14:15 KTH 3418 Alexander M. Kasprzyk, Imperial College London The combinatorics of Mirror Symmetry BN
3 Sep 15:15-16:15 Oskar Klein, Alba Nova SMC kollokvium    
8 Sep* 13:15-14:15 KTH 3418 Julie Bergner, UC Riverside Models for equivariant (\infty, 1)-categories WC
24 Sep 13:15-14:15 KTH 3418 Sandra Di Rocco, KTH Toric vector bundles (and cohomology vanishing) WC
1 Oct 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Martin Brandenburg, Münster Tensor categorical foundations of algebraic geometry DR
2 Oct* 13:15-14:15 KTH 3418 Karen Vogtmann, Cornell University Unstable cohomology of automorphism groups of free groups. AL
8 Oct 13:15 KTH 3418 Matan Prasma, Radboud University, Netherlands Few steps towards higher group theory. WC
10 Oct* 14:15-15:15 KTH 3733 Dan Petersen, Copenhagen Cohomology of local systems on the moduli of principally polarized abelian surfaces. CF
15 Oct* 10:15-12:00 SU 32 house 5 Daniel Bergh, SU Functorial Destackification. DR
15 Oct 15:15-16:15 Oskar Klein, Alba Nova SMC kollokvium    
22 Oct 13:15 KTH 3418 Dan Edidin, University of Missouri Strong regular embeddings and the geometry of hypertoric stacks. DR
29 Oct 13:15-15:00 SU 306 Jan Erik Roos, SU Homological properties of local rings, far away from regular rings. JER
5 Nov 13:15-14:15 KTH 3418 Mats Boij, KTH Cones of Hilbert functions.  
12 Nov 13:15-15:00 SU 306 Vesna Stojanoska, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics Arithmetic duality for generalized cohomology theories. TB
19 Nov 13:15-14:15 KTH 3418 David Rydh, KTH Flatness, projectivity and purity in algebraic geometry. WC
26 Nov 13:15-15:00 SU 306 Leif Melkersson, Linköping University Mittag-Leffler modules. WC
2 Dec* 15:15-16:15 KTH 3418 Jarod Alper, ANU and Humboldt Universität A Luna etale slice theorem for algebraic stacks. DR
3 Dec 13:15-15:00 KTH 3418 Lars Halle, Copenhagen Lattices of differential forms for degenerations of curves. CF
10 Dec 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Gerard van der Geer, Universiteit van Amsterdam Strata on the moduli of K3 surfaces. JB
17 Dec 13:15-14:15 KTH 3418 Fernando Muro, Universidad de Sevilla Grothendieck derivators. WC

David Rydh