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KTH & SU Algebra and Geometry Seminar, Spring 2016


Seminars start 13.15. When at KTH, then in room 3418, and when at SU, then in room 306. Divergence from this is marked with a "*" and completed by, if needed, neccessary information. The format is either 60 minutes, or 2x45 minutes where the first 45 minutes are targeting graduate students.

David Rydh  and  Jonas Bergström

Date Time Place Speaker Ttitle  
27 Jan 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Francesco Strazzanti, Università di Pisa Rigidity properties of Betti numbers and local cohomology modules. MB
3 Feb 13:15-14:15 KTH 3721* Mattias Jonsson, University of Michigan On the complex dynamics of birational surface maps defined over number fields. (joint with analysis and dynamical systems seminar) SD
10 Feb 15:15-16:15 Oskar Klein, AlbaNova SMC kollokvium    
17 Feb 13:15 KTH 3418      
24 Feb 13:15 SU 306      
2 Mar 13:15-14:15 KTH 3418 David Rydh, KTH Weak factorization of Deligne–Mumford stacks DR
9 Mar 15:15-16:15 Oskar Klein, AlbaNova SMC colloquium    
16-20 Mar     Nordic Congress 2016    
17 Mar* 16:00-16:40 Munin Jesse Wolfson, University of Chicago Counting Problems and Homological Stability AB
23 Mar 13:15 SU 306      
30 Mar 13:15 KTH 3418      
6 April 13:15-14:15 D3 Göran Gustafsson lecture    
13 April 13:15-15:00 KTH 3418 Ariyan Javanpeykar, Universität Mainz The Lang–Vojta conjecture and the moduli of smooth hypersurfaces DR
20 April 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Lukas Brantner, Harvard University Buildings in Characteristic 1 and p via Discrete Morse Theory WC
27 April 15:15-16:15 Oskar Klein, AlbaNova SMC colloquium    
4 May 13:15-14:15 SU 306 Ralph Morrison, KTH The Commuting Variety: Classically and Tropically  
10 May* 13:15-15:00 KTH 3418 Sebastian Öberg, KTH Rigidifying homotopy commutative diagrams  
11 May 13:15-15:00 KTH 3418 Alessandro Oneto, SU Ideals of points and Waring problems for polynomials  
18 May 13:15 SU 306 Amos Turchet, Chalmers Uniformity in Diophantine Geometry DR
25 May 9:30-17:00 KTH, D1 The Crafoord Prize Symposium in Mathematics: Contact and symplectic topology    
27 May* 13.30-18.00   Symposium in honour of the Abel Prize Laureate 2016 with Sir Andrew J. Wiles and invited speakers.    
30 May* 13:15 KTH 3418 Michael Temkin, Einstein Institute of Mathematics Resolution of singularities by p-alterations DR
1 June 15:15-16:15 Oskar Klein, AlbaNova SMC colloquium    
2 June* 13.15 KTH 3418 Brian Harbourne, University of Nebraska-Lincoln A new perspective on problems related to the SHGH Conjecture SD
8 June 13:15 KTH 3418      
15 June 13:15 SU 306