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Winners of Best Final Degree Project

Here the winners of KTH Space Center's prize for the best final degree project on basic and on advanced level is presented.


Winner on basic level:

Maheen Arfan & Isabelle Bonnier


Winners on advanced level:

Tove Ågren



Winner on basic level:

Amanda Helmfrid & Richárd Bagi

Investigating the central engine in supernova 2002ap using X-ray observations (pdf 2.1 MB)

Winners on advanced level:

Anna Hidalgo Larsson

Forward Modelling of Ground Based SST Telescope Images (pdf 3.7 MB)

Leonardo Ricci

  Sunshade Demonstrator Spacecraft Earth Sphere of Influence Escape Using a Propellant-free AOCS (pdf 4.6 MB)


Winners on advanced level:

Filip af Malmborg och Teodor Elmfeldt

X-ray Spectral Analysis of a Serendipitously Observed Active Galactic Nucleus (pdf 1.6 MB)

Winner on basic level:

Johan Ferm

Europa's Lyman-Alpha Shadow on Jupiter - A New Way of Searching for Water Plumes (pdf 5.2 MB)


Winner on advanced level:

Florine Enengl
On the Relationship Between Energetic Electron Precipitation and Mesopause Temperature (pdf 6.5 MB)


Winners on basic level:

Gustav Hedengren & Oscar Larsson
Electrostatic Ion Thrusters for Space Debris Removal (pdf 1.2 MB)

Winner on advanced level:

Gustav Pettersson
Compact 3D Microscopy for Planetary Exploration (pdf 1.7 MB)


Winners on basic level:

Anton Björnberg & Erik Larsson
Thermal Analysis and Control of MIST (pdf 6.4 MB)

Winners on advanced level:

Filip Samuelsson
Derivation of neutrino fluxes in Gamma-ray bursts using the multi-shell internal shock model (pdf 1.9 MB)

Juan Alday
Ganymede's hydrogen corona and FUV albedo from HST/STIS images (pdf 4.5 MB)