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Educational programmes and courses

Master’s programme

KTH offers several Master's programme with a connection to space.

Aerospace Engineering

 This Master’s programme offers many space-related courses, and one of the course’s four tracks is RYMD (SPACE). The courses have great breadth, including space technology, space vehicle dynamics, systems integration, space physics, space environment, rocket propulsion, manned space flight, GNSS and remote sensing technology. It is one of the most popular programmes at KTH, especially among exchange students, with normally 70 to 80 new students each year. Christer Fuglesang is is the Programme Coordinator since 2013.

Read more: Aerospace Engineering

Electromagnetics, Fusion and Space Engineering

The master's program in Electromagnetism, fusion and space technology offers a track in space technology and space research, where some courses are shared with the master's program in aerospace engineering.

Read more: Electromagnetics, Fusion and Space Engineering

Transport and Geoinformation Technology

The Master's program for Transport and Geoinformation Technology also includes space-related courses in e.g. remote sensing and GNSS. In addition, students can do degree work in e.g. earth observation, GNSS or satellite gravimetry.

Read more: Transport and Geoinformation Technology

Subatomic & Astrophysics (Specialisation within the Engineering Physics Master's Programme)

Subatomic and Astrophysics is a track within the Master's program Engineering Physics, where you learn fundamental knowledge from the smallest scales to the largest scales in the universe by trying to answer questions about the origin and fate of the universe, as well as how the building blocks of the universe work. Courses are offered in both theoretical and experimental physics.

Read more: Subatomic & Astrophysics

Other space-related courses

There are also a number of courses with a strong space link which are given by researchers and teachers associated with the KTH Space Center.

The Master’s programme in Electrophysics includes a space track where several courses are given in common with the master’s programme in Aerospace Engineering. A number of space themed courses are given by teachers and researchers connected to KTH Space Center, for example related to astroparticle physics, space and fusion plasma, propulsion, Earth observation and solar system physics.

Within the Master's programme in Transport and Geoinformation Technology courses in Remote Sensing and GNSS are included. Students can write their master's theses in fields such as Earth observation, GNSS and satellite gravimetry.  

Discussions were recently started on instituting a special course for doctoral students with an overall space content


KTH's first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) was given during spring 2016 with the name Human Spaceflight – an Introduction with Christer Fuglesang as teacher. The same course will be given for the third time during autumn 2018. Currently the development of more MOOC courses about space are being discussed.


The Swedish National Space Board (SNSB) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), together with the European Space Agency (ESA), arrange each year a student experiment programme called REXUS/BEXUS. This enables students at universities in ESA member countries to submit experiment proposals. Those who are then selected may implement their ideas in practice and fly their experiment on a sounding rocket (research rocket) or balloon respectively. KTH has participated in the programme on the last seven occasions; on each occasion it has done well in the selection process.

Here you can read more about the REXUS experiments at KTH

The projects with space experiments are interesting, both from the viewpoint of the students’ education and for visibility and contacts within KTH. The projects have attracted students from Electrical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanics, Physics etc. An important part of the REXUS project is “outreach”, where the project has succeeded in reaching out to diverse target groups, ranging from students at KTH and other universities to upper secondary students and the general public.

Rexus Bexus - A unique European student programme

REXUS/BEXUS - Rocket and Balloon Experiments for University Students

Student CubeSat

Many universities in the world have built miniaturised satellites called CubeSats, though none so far in Sweden. KTH Space Centre is now taking the initiative to build a CubeSat. Much of the work will be performed by students in smaller project groups. Project started in 2015 and the experienced project manager Sven Grahn leads the work. The work with MIST can be done as a bachelor thesis, a master thesis or a project course and thus the project attracts students from many different fields of study and stages in their education. 

MIST - The student satellite at KTH Space Center