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Prize for the best final degree project on advanced level

KTH Space Center’s prize for final degree project on advanced level is awarded annually to the student or students who are registered to programmes at KTH and who under the previous academic year have performed a final degree project of high quality in a subject within the areas of interest to KTH Space Center. The amount of prize money is 15 000 SEK. If the final degree project has been performed by several students, then the prize money is divided equal between the students. Furthermore the winner will have the option to present their final project work at KTH Space Center’s event Space Rendezvous in the Spring.

The final degree projects are judged on their engineering skills and scientific level, but also on how they are presented. Students shall nominate their own final degree projects to compete for the prize and a prize jury will award the winning final degree project and announce it in the beginning of the next coming year1.

Assessment criteria
The basic criterion is that the student or students were registered to a programme at KTH during the project. Also the subject of the completed final degree project must be within an area of interest of KTH Space Center. Final degree projects which fulfil the basic criterion are judged by the following criteria:

Engineering skills and scientific level
• Correct level
• Well documented and well selected background material
• Thoughtful methodology
• Stringent treatment
• Theory and experiments complement each other
• Integration of knowledge from different parts of the education
• Creativity and independence
• Analysis of results and forward-looking discussion
• Progress on the subject
• Benefit/usability

Presentation of the final degree project
• Pedagogical disposition of the subject and of presented material
• Correct amount and choice of figures, tables and appendices
• General language processing and balanced terminology

Application instructions
Students shall nominate their own final degree projects to compete for the prize according to the following instructions:
1. Fill in the application form

2. The final degree project shall be send digitally to  

Please write your full name in the subject title of the e-mail! The application form to compete for the prize will generally be open until the announcement at the beginning of the next coming year.

1The members of the jury are decided after a bias assessment. KTH Space Center reserves the right to not award the prize.