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Educators' Day

The theme for Nofoma 2024 is “Logistics and Supply Chain Management in a risky and uncertain world”.

During the educator’s day, we will discuss how we can use lifelong learning (LLL) in this context. How should we design university lifelong learning (ULL) courses to better prepare managers and specialists for an environment that is increasingly characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity? We will discuss LLL/ULL from different perspectives, such as individuals versus groups, and top-down versus bottom-up initiatives. We will discuss how groups and individuals in management teams can use discussion games and scenario techniques, including what-if-scenarios analysis (WISA), before, during and after disruptions.

Nofoma Educators’ day will include a few, short lectures, or presentations, as appetizers. However, for the most part, the format will rely on active participation. Through discussions in smaller groups and plenaries, using various creativity techniques, we will explore which role universities could/should play to teach individuals and groups in a Lifelong learning context.

As usual, the Educators’ day will be a meeting place for lecturers in logistics and SCM.

NOFOMA 2024 – Educators’ Day (Interactivity, creativity, fluidity)

Lifelong Learning in a VUCA World

When and where:

Date: 2024-06-12
Registration: 09.00- (Please make sure that you register before 10.30)
Time: 10.30-17.00 (We start at 10.30 and finish by 17.00 – all other timings are tentative)
Place: Swedish Defence University (FHS), Drottning Kristinas Väg 37, Room 2000


10.30-11.20 Block 1 – Establishing the Baseline (Common denominators)
10.30-10.40 Introduction (Including “Multi-coloured notes”) (Thomas Ekström, FHS)
10.40-11.00 Group work (Current status – what, why, how, when, where, who, for whom?)
11.00-11.20 Group presentations (All groups present)
11.20-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-12.30 Block 2 – Perspectives, definitions, theory, and practise
11.30-11.55 Perspectives and definitions (Christine Roussat, UCA/Hanken), Theory and practise (Anders Johansson, KTH)
11.55-12.15 Group work (Walk-and-Talk / Reflection – Baseline vs. Perspectives, definitions, theory, and practise)
12.15-12.30 Group presentations (One group presents – The other groups add other ideas)
12.30-13.30 Lunch break
13.30-14.15 Block 3 – Fitness-for-Purpose in a VUCA World
1330-1340 Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) (Daniel Ekwall, Borås University/FHS)
1340-1355 Group work (Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats / Reflection – Fitness-for-Purpose?)
13.55-14.15 Debate (Pros and Cons with Baseline vs. changes based on reflections – One group presents arguments
14.15-14.45 Block 4 – Gaming in military education and training
14.15-14.45 Gaming in military education and training (Björn Sjöström, FHS)
14.45-15.00 Coffee break
15.00-15.45 Block 5 – The Issue of Scaling
15.00-15.15 Scaling (Anders Johansson, KTH)
15.15-15.25 Individual reflection on gaming and scaling
15.25-15.45 Open discussion on gaming as methodology and the issue of scaling
15.45-16.30 Block 6 – Wrapping up
15.45-16.00 International cooperation (Christine Roussat, UCA/Hanken)
16.00-16.25 Pedagogical summary of discussions, presentations, and debates (Christina Douglas and Niklas Svensson, FHS)

“Multi-coloured notes” – Way ahead (Imoh Antai and Thomas Ekström, FHS)