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Call for papers to NOFOMA 2024

A particular theme of the NOFOMA 2024 conference is “Logistics and Supply Chain Management in a risky and uncertain world”. Read about how to submit a paper here.

Important dates

  • 15 January 2024: Early bird registration (Now closed)
  • Extended to 26 January 2024 10 am (CET), : Submission of abstracts
  • 29 January 2024: Acceptance of abstracts
  • 18 March 2024: Submission of full papers
  • 22 April 2024: Reviewers’ comments out
  • 13 May 2024: Submission of revised full & WIP papers
  • 3 June 2024: Detailed program on EasyChair

Paper topics

Papers are invited dealing with, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • Methods in logistics / SCM research
  • Globalization and internationalization
  • Sustainable SCM & circular economy
  • Reverse logistics/closed‐loop logistics
  • Change management and SC design
  • City logistics
  • Service logistics / SCM / 3PL / 4 PL
  • Purchasing and supply management
  • Manufacturing, warehousing & materials management
  • Packaging, transport and distribution
  • Trade and transport facilitation issues
  • Modelling and simulation
  • Supply Chain Visibility
  • Supply Chain Resilience
  • Performance measurement
  • Healthcare logistics
  • Retail & e‐tail logistics
  • Humanitarian logistics
  • Defence logistics
  • Digitalization and SCM


Göran Persson Award

The Göran Persson Paper Award will be assigned to a selected paper in recognition of Göran Persson, a pioneer in the field of Supply Chain Management and the founding member of the NOFOMA society. This award serves to honor his significant contributions to the discipline.

Best Paper Award

The best doctoral paper and the best paper involving a senior researcher paper will be awarded with the DB Schenker best paper award. The DB Schenker Best Paper Award honors papers that have a high academic value.

Submit Abstracts for Full & Work-in-Progress Papers

  • Abstracts can have maximum 250 words.
  • Indicate whether it's a full paper or work-in-progress paper.
  • Both full papers and work-in-progress can have maximum 10000 words including references.
  • Work-in-progress shall as minimum have 5000 words (including abstract and references) and present: Introduction/background, purpose, theory, method (applied or planned) and planned contribution

NOFOMA Template (docx) (docx 40 kB)

NOFOMA Template (pdf) (pdf 203 kB)

  • Enter your contact information and submit the abstract, your full paper or Work in Progress (WIP) here:

Submit a paper