Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)
Two different electron microscopes with EBSD detectors, provides both high speed and high resolution.
![Electron microscope](/polopoly_fs/1.1019510.1628253090!/image/20210617_KTH-0727_1600x700.jpg)
Electron backscatter diffraction is a common method of characterizing microstructure, crystal structure, orientation of the crystallite and local strain measured on material surfaces. This tool has increasingly become a common accessory to the scanning electron microscopes. This method is based on the Kikuchi diffraction pattern that forms as a result of incident electrons being inelastically scattered through atomic planes of the crystalline material.
The resulting Kikuchi pattern is matched with a bank of calculated Kikuchi patterns from different candidate phases. In our lab, we have two different FEG SEMs with EBSD detectors. Bruker’s e-Flash detector on JEOL 7800F with a high bright FEG source and Oxford Instruments Symmetry CMOS EBSD detector on Nova600 Nanolab FIB-SEM are providing both high speed and high resolution.
All tools at Hultgren Laboratory