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Isabel comes from Santiago, Chile. Before coming to Sweden she finished her bachelor's degree in electrical engineering with a minor in electrical energy at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, where she also did an exchange semester at Georgia Institute of Technology. She likes playing tennis, travelling and reading novels.

Ask Isabel a question

Why did you choose this master’s programme at KTH?

I have always been passionate about electric power systems and developing technologies that lead to cleaner power generation. KTH is an excellent university in terms of quality of education and has a variety of courses related to these technologies. Also, I like the flexibility in the programme; it is possible to choose many of your courses so that you can either focus more on one topic or learn about different topics; there is the freedom to shape your studies. KTH also collaborates with different companies, allowing students to have guest lectures, meetings with companies, study visits and even master's degree project opportunities. All this added to the possibility of carrying out practical experiences in laboratories and projects, made me decide on KTH.

How do studies at KTH differ from your previous studies?

The first thing I can think of is the opportunity to have a re-exam. Although I still have never had to use it, it is good to know that you can have a second chance if things don't go as planned on the first one. Also, another thing that I can highlight is that I have felt that I have had more free time to develop my hobbies or just rest, as a life with a balance between study and free time is encouraged here.

Is there any student events/associations that you enjoy and can recommend?

There are many associations and events one can join at KTH. Even before arriving, as a new student, I was part of the THS international reception. This allowed me to ask questions before arriving at KTH, and I could participate in a lot of events from this reception, where I got to know my first friends, and I even got to explore Stockholm. During my first year, I was part of Malvina, which is the female and non-binary association at KTH. I was part of the advertising team and participated in internal events with companies and the team members. I didn't have to leave behind my tennis hobby as I can still play with the KTH Racketklubb here. This second year, I had the opportunity to be part of the THS international reception again, but now, I am doing it as a buddy.

What do you want to do after graduating?

I want to contribute to research and development in my areas of interest, thus contributing to the sustainable development of power systems, and I think Sweden is a great place to do so. In that sense, I want to stay and hopefully work in the R&D department in a related industry, where I can apply all the knowledge and experience I have gathered in these years.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master's studies?

First, read about the programme, the courses, and KTH. There is a lot of information available on the website and KTH social media, where you can learn more about the specifics of each programme and about student life in KTH. If it feels right for you and what you are looking for, don't be afraid to take the leap. Personally, I have had an excellent learning experience, so I can say for sure that KTH is a great choice.