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KTH has been ranked among the top 20 universities in the world for Electrical Engineering for almost a decade now

Dhiyanesh comes from India. He did his Bachelor's in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, which is affiliated to Anna University. His leisure activities include reading novels and exploring other cities/countries.


Why did you choose this master’s programme at KTH?

Firstly, I chose this programme because of the QS ranking of the subject. KTH has been ranked among the top 20 universities in the world for Electrical Engineering for almost a decade now. The ranking gives you a glimpse of the quality of education offered here. Besides, I also looked into the h-index and I10-index of the professors and research engineers who work in my field of interest. This was one of the main reasons why I chose KTH.

What are the best aspects of your programme?

The best aspects would be the flexibility the programme offers to students in choosing courses. The programme offers a variety of technical courses covering different domains and also many management courses. This gives students the freedom to choose courses with which they want to be aligned.

Have you chosen a specialisation track within the programme? If Yes, which track and why?

Yes, I have chosen a specialisation track within the programme. I wanted to work with electrical machines. I have therefore chosen all my courses so that they cover this entire domain.

What are your favourite courses thus far?

I have just completed the first year of my master’s and my favourite courses thus far are Electrical Machines and Drives and Control of Electrical Energy Conversion.

How do studies at KTH differ from your previous studies?

Back in my home university, we used to study 6–7 courses that ran for an entire semester. The terminal exams were at the end of each semester. Moreover, we did not have separate credits for the various course modules. Whereas, at KTH, the courses run for a period (two periods constitute a semester). The credits are split for each module. I feel this system of periods is much better as it gives you the opportunity to concentrate on one subject rather than focusing on all subjects at the same time.

How is student life in Stockholm?

Living as a student in Stockholm can be one of the best and most enriching experiences of your life. You will interact with a lot of students from various countries, not only from KTH but also from other universities. Though living here is expensive, Stockholm is a beautiful city and there are plenty of things to do as a student.

How would you describe your time at KTH so far?

It has been a wonderful time so far with a lot of fun. The Welcome Reception at Stockholm City Hall (the venue for the Noble Prize banquet) is one of the best memories of my time at KTH. I have made some good friends for life here. I have also been on a cruise trip with them as a part of THS Armada.

What do you want to do after graduating?

I was working as an Electrical Machine designer in the automobile industry for four years before deciding to pursue my master’s. As the world is heading towards Electric Vehicles, I felt this would be the right time to do my master’s in this domain. As part of the plan, I have taken courses that are aligned with my areas of interest. After completing my master’s, I would love to return to the electrical machines sector, thereby building upon what I have already achieved during the previous years.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for their master’s studies?

I would say that if you are planning to choose KTH for your master’s degree, you are on the right path and will never regret this decision. My days at KTH have been some of the best days of my life. I am sure you will have a great time here and hope to meet you soon!