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The best part about the programme is the environment that it creates for the students

Karolina is studying a joint master’s programme in Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering (COSSE). She recently relocated to Stockholm to do the second year of the programme, after completing the first year at TU Berlin. Karolina comes from Poland. In her free time, she likes to actively spend time outside, running or hiking.


Why did you choose this master’s programme at KTH?

Having a background in engineering, I really wanted to deepen my knowledge of Mathematics and Scientific Computing and learn how to apply those subjects to solve real-life problems. That is exactly what the COSSE programme provides to its students. You get to learn solving tasks that are very relevant to the real world and academia alike.

What are the best aspects of your programme?

The best part about the COSSE programme is the environment that it creates for the students. It is a unique setting, where students from different cultures and with different backgrounds meet, exchange their knowledge and experiences and help each other grow. This creates a powerful and invaluable bond between all of the COSSE students.

Have you chosen a specialisation track within the programme? If Yes, which track and why? / What are some of your favourite courses so far?

COSSE programme offers a lot of flexibility, especially during the second year, regarding the choices of the subjects. You can focus, among others, on fluid simulations, machine learning, financial mathematics up to bioinformatics. During my time in Berlin, I had an opportunity to take a class in Biological Neural Networks, which I found really interesting and now, in KTH, I have chosen to continue in this direction by taking a course in Mathematical Modelling of Biological Systems. I find this interdisciplinary field of Mathematics, Neuroscience and Computer Science very fascinating, allowing me to learn about modelling and simulation of nerve cells and neuronal networks.

How does studies at KTH differ from your previous studies?

So far, I have experienced studying in 3 different countries and universities, including the UK, Germany and now Sweden. KTH distinguishes itself by a great combination of providing students with an amazing environment for studying, but also balancing it with a lot of fun activities. The organisation of the whole university is outstanding, the life at campus very thrilling and the campus itself is very beautiful.

How is student life in Stockholm?

I have to say I am impressed by the number of activities that are being organised by different organisations within the university. There are a lot of trips, dinners, workshops and tours you can get involved in during the first weeks of the semester organised by the Student Union THS. And then there are a lot of clubs that you can join depending on your interests, such as the outdoor, sailing or photography clubs, all of which organise events relevant to them very often.

I live on campus among other international students, and it is incredibly easy to meet new interesting people and make friends. Additionally, attending events organised by the Physics Chapter, which is a chapter that COSSE programme belongs to, allowed me to meet a few more Swedish students and learn a lot about the Swedish culture and traditions. Stockholm and its surroundings provide you with plenty of opportunities to spend your free time actively, and through KTH you meet amazing people to share all of the experiences with.

How would you describe your time at KTH so far?

I have only been at KTH for a few weeks, but it has already been a great experience. It is the first time, where I get to study with the 4-quarter system, instead of just two semesters within one academic year. I like it so far, as you get to focus on just a couple of subjects and go in-depth into the topic. I feel like the lectures and exercises are well organised and challenging at the right level.

Additionally, the KTH campus is incredibly beautiful, and it is always a nice study break to stroll around it. I also really like the number of study spaces that are available to students in various buildings around the campus. Outside of study time, I have already had a chance to participate in many events, such as kayaking, tours and trips around campus and Stockholm, traditional gasque dinner or BBQs. During the sunny days, I have enjoyed swimming in various lakes around Stockholm.

What do you want to do after graduating?

I don’t have an exact answer yet and am still exploring different possibilities; however, I do know already that I want to go into industry and apply the knowledge I gained to solve real-life problems. I would like to combine the experience I have as an engineer with the Mathematics and Scientific Computing skills that I gained during this master’s and be part of meaningful projects.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master’s studies?

If you are considering doing your master’s studies at KTH, I couldn’t recommend it enough. It is a great university with a notable reputation in academia and industry. At KTH, you get a perfect balance between working hard and relaxing. What is more, you get an amazing blend of people from all over the world. You will get to experience a lot and therefore learn a great deal about the world, but also about yourself. Stockholm is incredibly beautiful, both the city architecture and the nature in and around it. This gives you many possibilities for fun and exciting trips on the weekends. Do not hesitate to begin this unforgettable journey and apply for your master’s at KTH.