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Computational Thinking and Mathematical Problem Solving, an Analytics Based Learning Environment

CT&MathABLE aims to meet future needs by providing open, localised educational content that fosters digital literacy and numeracy.

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CT&MathABLE is aimed at improving European education by using digital tools and pedagogies to create innovative curricula. It focuses on developing the skills and qualifications needed for the digital age, particularly in computational thinking (CT) and mathematics. The project provides personalised learning pathways in CT and maths, using advanced learning analytics and interactive tasks to engage learners and accelerate their intellectual development. It also provides competency frameworks for assessment and large libraries of interactive tasks to improve CT and algebraic skills. Overall, 

CT&Mathable on YouTube

Watch these videos on YouTube about Computational and Algebraic thinking in schools with learning analytic support. Overview of videos can be found here CT&Mathable on YouTube

Co-funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme

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