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ATS - Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM

Published Feb 18, 2021

Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is an innovative project implemented in eight EU countries and involving a partner network of 12 educational institutions where KTH Department of Learning is one of them.

Education and research must be based on scientific grounds

Eva Hartell talking to children
Photo: Oskar Omne

Eva Hartell who is the manager and researcher for the ATS project, also works as the head of research at the department for education at Haninge municipality.

“Education and research must be based on scientific grounds and proven experience, not on the basis of knowledge and distressed experience".

She has chosen to immerse herself in comparative assessment in mathematics, science and technology. All her research is based on data that she has collected with the help of teachers”.

The ATS project overview

The project aims to provide teachers and students with necessary and efficient digital assessment approaches for the development of students’ transversal skills in STEM education. It will support teachers by customising their learning designs to better meet the needs of their students, who will create practical examples of how new ICTs can be used to foster STEM skills and competences in students.

Research and development are integrated in the design of the ATS-STEM educational project to allow decisions to be made based on the evidence gathered throughout the process. In this sense, the evaluative research objective of ATS-STEM is to analyse the possibilities of digital assessment in the implementation of teaching STEM skills and competences in European schools. The research will gather evidence on the use of digital technology to improve the way we assess student learning.

Here is a roadmap of how the planning of the project will run in the seven countries.

Children measuring in the woods with the sun in the background
Photo: Oskar Omne

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Page responsible:Madeleine Tucker Smith
Belongs to: The Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences
Last changed: Feb 18, 2021
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