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Study year 3

The following courses are part of study year three.

The course application codes and study periods are valid for the academic year 2026/2027. For other academic years, different application codes and study periods may apply

General Courses

Mandatory courses

Course code and nameAppl.codeScopeP1P2P3P4
HI1031 Distributed Information Systems7.5 credits
HI1032 Communication Systems7.5 credits
HI111X Degree Project in Computer Engineering, First Cycle15.0 credits

Conditionally elective courses

Course code and nameAppl.codeScopeP1P2P3P4
CM1001 Applied Machine Learning and Data Mining7.5 credits
CM1007 FullStack Development and DevOps7.5 credits
HI1023 Network Security7.5 credits
HI1033 Mobile Applications and Wireless Networks7.5 credits
HI1036 Software Engineering, Project Course7.5 credits
HI1037 Internet's Domain Name System7.5 credits
HI2002 Routing in IP Networks7.5 credits
IS1300 Embedded Systems7.5 credits