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Vecka 43 2011 Visa i Mitt schema

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Mån 24 okt 09:00-12:00 Meeting 1: Introduction to the course and come key concepts
HT 2011
Plats: L42
Ons 26 okt 09:00-12:00 Meeting 2: Urban Natural Environment - Values, Threats, Opportunities
HT 2011
Plats: L42

The meeting aims to give a broad understanding and insights into significant environmental aspects related to how the built environment affect the local natural environment and vice versa how the local natural environment in a city contribute to increased well-being of its inhabitants.

Compulsory literature to read in advance:

Bolund & Hunhammar 1999

Beatley 2000

Pages 145-148 (chapter 19) in Wheeler & Beatley (Eds.) (2009) The Sustainable Urban Development Reader, 2nd Edition. Routledge, Oxon.

Optional further reading:

Halweil & Nierenberg 2007

Vecka 44 2011 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 31 okt 09:00-12:00 Meeting 3: Resource and material flows
HT 2011
Plats: L42

The meeting aims to give a broad understanding about how the use of energy, water and materials in the built environment affects the environment. It will especially focus on the fact that depending on climatic context, building phase you are working with, etc. some problems/issues will be more important to focus in order to provide green buildings. Strategies for reducing these problems will be discussed among the participants but is not the main feature of today.

Kibert (2005)

Bokalders & Block (2010)

Dammann (2004)

Brunner (2011)

Krook et al (2011)

Mån 31 okt 13:00-15:00 Introduction to Project Work
HT 2011
Plats: L42

The aim of this meeting is to introduce you to sustainable development as a contested and context-dependent concept and also how the concept green or sustainable building is used in practice, and to the risk of letting the assessment tools and indicators define the concept.

Ons 2 nov 09:00-12:00 Meeting 4: Indoor Environmental Quality and Health
HT 2011
Plats: L42

Buildings aim to provide us with shelter, work places, etc. We spend 90 % of our time indoors today. The quality of the indoor environment is thus an important issue when talking about green buildings. The aim of the meeting is to introduce the wide array of indoor environmental problems which may arise in buildings, something about their severity and also their relation to buildings and the surrounding built environment.

Vecka 45 2011 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 7 nov 09:00-12:00 Meeting 5: Approaches and indicators for assessing environmental impact and consequences
HT 2011
Plats: M22

The meeting aims to create understanding for the notion environmental indicators, different ways in which they may be categorized and to get training in understanding in which situations different types of indicators may be more or less relevant.

Ons 9 nov 09:00-12:00 Meeting 6: How do you tell a sustainable city?
HT 2011
Plats: V12

The aim of this meeting is to give you an understanding of environmental aspects at the level of a city or a city district, i.e. what is a sustainable city? At the meeting we will familiarize with a selection of assessment and/or certification approaches for urban sustainability. Fundamental to this is the questions of which aspects need to be included (is it really all about CO2?), and how to choose and define the system boundaries for a city or a city district. However, all processes of change need considering not only what to change, but also change by whom. In relation to this the meeting also brings up the dimension of agency and governance of sustainable urban development.

Observe that the venue has been changed to V12.

Vecka 46 2011 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 14 nov 09:00-12:00 Meeting 7: Life Cycle Approaches
HT 2011
Plats: FB53
Anmärkning: Roslagstullsbacke 21 "AlbaNova"

The meeting aims to give a basic introduction to life cycle thinking and life cycle assessment. Further it aims to give insights into how and when life cycle approaches can be of use for assessing the environmental impacts of the built environment.

Ons 16 nov 10:00-23:00 All day home exam
HT 2011
Anmärkning: Hemtentamen

The home exam will be uploaded at Bilda at 9.00 and needs to be submitted at Bilda no later than 23.00.

Vecka 47 2011 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 21 nov 09:00-17:00 Computer Lab
HT 2011
Plats: Baltzar

The computer lab gives you practical experience of using a tool for environmental building assessment. The tool will be introduced during the lab session which also comprises an assignment which you accomplished by using the tool.

Vecka 48 2011 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 28 nov 10:00-12:00 Meeting 10: Practitioner's perspectives
HT 2011
Plats: L43
Mån 28 nov 13:00-16:00 Meeting 11: Practitioner's perspectives
HT 2011
Plats: L43
Vecka 49 2011 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 5 dec 09:00-12:00 Pre-seminar
HT 2011
Plats: L43
Mån 5 dec 13:00-17:00 Pre-seminar
HT 2011
Plats: L43
Vecka 50 2011 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 12 dec 09:00-12:00 Final seminar
HT 2011
Plats: L21
Mån 12 dec 13:00-17:00 Final seminar
HT 2011
Plats: L21