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Antibody Validation

We aim to promote generation of validated antibody reagents and assessment of antibody performance.

Antibodies are produced with the sole purpose of defending the organism from foreign compounds or intruders. Their ability to bind to an antigen is exploited for different biotechnological applications. Antibodies are key reagents used to study other proteins within antibody-based proteomics or perform diagnostic tests in clinical setup. The number of antibodies produced against human proteins is overwhelming, but their specificity is largely debated, and scrutinized. Selection of antibodies for a given application often, relies on access to experimental results that confirm the reagent’s specificity and performance. Our efforts aim to promote generation of validated antibody reagents and assessment of antibody performance.

Diagram of validated antibodies.
Millions of validated antibodies against human proteins are available for different applications to study human health and disease. The way antibodies bind to their target is context dependent.


  1. Edfors F, et al. 2018. Enhanced validation of antibodies for research applications. Nature Comm. 9:4130.

  2. Berglund L, et al. 2008 A whole-genome bioinformatics approach to selection of antigens for systematic antibody generation. Proteomics. 8:2832-9. 

  3. Berglund L, et al. 2008 A gene centric Human Protein Atlas for expression profiles based on antibodies. Mol Cell Proteomics. 7:2019-27.