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Shreyas comes from Bangalore. Before coming to Sweden, he completed his bachelor studies in Mechanical Engineering while he was involved with the Rover team as a Team Manager and Mechanical Design Engineer, designing and building a next-generation Mars Rover. In addition, he has many hobbies, including playing cricket and football, listening to Hip-Hop and R&B new artists and discovering various musical genres.

Why did you choose this master’s programme at KTH?

I decided to pursue my master's at KTH because of its prestigious reputation and strong focus on engineering and innovation. The programme in Integrated Product Design stood out to me because it combines elements of design, engineering, and business, providing a holistic approach to product development. I was particularly drawn to the specialization track in Innovation Management and Product Development, as it aligns perfectly with my passion for exploring new ideas, managing innovation processes, and bringing innovative products to market.

What are the best aspects of your programme?

One of the best aspects of my programme at KTH is the interdisciplinary nature of the courses. I have the opportunity to collaborate with students from various backgrounds. This multidisciplinary approach encourages diverse perspectives and fosters creativity and innovation in our projects.

What are some of your favourite courses so far?

So far, I have thoroughly enjoyed several courses in my program. "Modularization of Products" has been one of my favourites, as it has equipped me with valuable skills in user needs analysis, concept generation, and module development. The "Product Innovation" course, which covered the whole product lifecycle from concept development through commercialization, was another course that I thought to be engaging.

Have you chosen a specialization track within the programme? If Yes, which track and why?

I chose the Innovation Management and Product Development track within the Integrated Product Design programme at KTH because it aligns perfectly with my interests and career aspirations. This track allows me to delve deeper into understanding and developing products based on customer needs while focusing on managing innovation and product development processes. In this specialization track, I can learn about the entire innovation process, from understanding user and customer needs to idea creation. In summary, the Innovation Management and Product Development track allows me to design unique products, effectively manage the product development process, and thoroughly understand customer needs. It gives me the knowledge and abilities to significantly impact the industry by developing customer-focused and market-driven products.

How do studies at KTH differ from your previous studies?

Studying at KTH differs significantly from my previous educational experiences. The emphasis here is not only on theoretical knowledge but also on practical application. The hands-on approach, project-based learning, and close collaboration with industry partners have given me a real-world perspective and enhanced my problem-solving abilities. Additionally, KTH's international and diverse student community has enriched my learning experience and broadened my cultural understanding.

How is student life in Stockholm?

Student life in Stockholm is vibrant and exciting. The city offers a perfect blend of historical charm and modernity. There are numerous opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities, join student organizations, and explore beautiful surroundings. Stockholm's rich cultural environment provides endless entertainment options with its museums, art galleries, and music festivals.

How would you describe your time at KTH so far?

So far, my time at KTH has been enriching. The learning atmosphere encourages both professional and personal growth, and the faculty members are highly skilled and knowledgeable. I have had the chance to work on challenging projects, collaborate with talented peers and build a strong network of professionals in my field. The campus facilities and resources at KTH are excellent, enabling me to make the most of my academic journey.

What do you want to do after graduating?

After graduating, I aim to work in product design and innovation, preferably in a company that values creativity and continuous improvement. I aspire to contribute to the development of innovative products that have a positive impact on people's lives.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master’s studies?

I would heartily advise students considering KTH for their master's programme to do so. KTH provides top-notch education, modern research opportunities, and a multicultural and welcoming community. The hands-on approach and the interdisciplinary curriculum equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the industry. Moreover, Stockholm is a great place to live, offering a good standard of living, stunning scenery, and a wide range of professional opportunities. Deciding to pursue your master's degree at KTH can be a life-changing decision that leads to numerous fascinating prospects in Engineering and Innovation.