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Values in practice: Framing policy and planning for sustainable consumption

We need to rapidly reduce the environmental impact of consumption. However, who is called to action and what that action consists of differs. This doctoral project critically explores different framings of “sustainable” consumption initiatives and how policy and planning could support intrinsic values as part of sustainability transitions.

Recognizing the extensive and disruptive environmental degradation following unsustainable consumption, public, private and civil society actors all call for action. However, who is called to action and what that action consists of differs depending on what is seen as desirable, and the perceived extent of change needed. Previous research stress the need to consider the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic values when framing any initiative claiming a sustainability agenda. This doctoral project will critically explore different framings of Swedish “sustainable” consumption initiatives in terms of the values engaged, with the aim to explore how a shift in value orientation can be achieved and what policy and planning conditions and tools could support a framing of intrinsic values as part of fundamental sustainability transitions.

Funding: 2022-2025

Project period: 2022-2025