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Mistra Sustainable Consumption

Mistra Sustainable Consumption is a research programme that aims to stimulate a transition to more sustainable consumption in Sweden. The goal is to contribute to change through increased knowledge of how sustainable consumption that is currently practiced by a few can be scaled up and become more common.
The focus is on the areas of food, vacations and furnishing.

Consumption of goods and services globally – and particularly in affluent countries such as Sweden - is far from sustainable at present. For example, per-capita greenhouse gas emissions of consumers in Sweden amounts to approximately 9 tons per year. The types of consumption and the associated footprints differ greatly between different societal groups and countries. Well-off nations with large footprints, such as Sweden, have a particular responsibility to rapidly transition to more sustainable and just consumption patterns and are in dire need of knowledge on such transitions.

About Mistra Sustainable Consumption

Project period: 2018-2025

Participating universities/companies/other organisations: KTH, Lunds universitet, Chalmers, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Karolinska Institutet och Cambridge Econometrics.

Collaboration: See in link: Mistra Sustainable Consumption - Partners

Funding: Mistra

Links for publications: Mistra Sustainable Consumption - Publications

Contact person:

Project leader:

Göran Finnveden
Göran Finnveden professor