Norma – network for normcritical sustainability research
Norma gathers researchers engaged in norm-critical perspectives on sustainability. Through critical research, our mission is to make visible the power structures that lock-in and reproduce unsustainable practices in everyday life, technology and society. We aim to contribute with new narratives and representations towards a just social development within planetary boundaries.

A transformative approach that goes beyond current lock-ins and structures is required for societal transition. Justice, participation and trust are central assets to enable a sustainable transition. How these assets are shaped is a matter of power and a critical power analysis is needed to pay attention to the obstacles that hinder transitions. Norm criticism is an effective tool for raising awareness, problematizing and discussing normative ideas about how the world looks and works. The approach makes visible different power relations that reproduce unsustainable structures, but can also shape new images and stories about what a sustainable transition could and should entail.
We see promising opportunities to within KTH build a network for norm-critical studies of and for a just sustainable transition.
If you wish to sign up for the Norma mail list and receive information and invitations to coming network events, please write to
Project period: 2022 - Current
Collaboration: Collaboration across schools, with Loove Broms, Karin Ehrnberger, Elina Eriksson and Sara Ilstedt
Funding: KTH Energy platform has provided initial funding for network meetings.