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Life and labour in industy climate transitions

A ‘green transition’ will, like all major societal transformations, impact both social and technical aspects of society and reallocate social and economic benefits and costs in different ways. This project critically examines pathways for transition in the petro-chemical and iron and steel industries, with a focus on Västra Götaland and Norrbotten.

Recognizing the importance of decarbonizing key industry sectors with large GHG emissions and vast impact on society, this project will focus on addressing pathways for transition in two of these: the Swedish petro-chemical and iron and steel industries with a focus on two key industrial regions, Västra Götaland (refineries and petro-chemical industries) and Norrbotten (iron ore and iron and steel industries). By combining insights from the macro (national/branch) and local level, and by bringing perspectives from civil society, and organized labor in particular, to the forefront we aim to investigate competing goals and tensions, but also synergies, involved in the transition process. This will include investigations of the effects on the structure of the labor market but also of how key stakeholder groups views the potential impacts of the proposed industrial transition; potential alternative transition pathways; and their possibility to influence the transition process.

Participating: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Funding: Forte: Swedish Research council for Health, Working Life and Welfare

Project period: 2021-2024