Doctoral Program in Mathematics
The doctoral program in mathematics covers both the theoretical and applied research field.

General subject study plan and program description
General syllabus for education at third-cycle level in the subject Mathematics (pdf 300 kB)
Programme description: Doctoral Programme in Mathematics (pdf 163 kB)
Research areas
- Algebraic geometry
- Algebraic topology
- Differential Geometry
- Dynamic systems
- Harmonic analysis
- Combinatorial
- Commutative algebra
- Complex analysis
- Mathematical physics
- Numerical analysis
- Partial differential equations
- Spectral Theory
- Number Theory
In the general subject study plan you can read about the courses that are included in the program.
Doctoral programmes and third-cycle subjects - KOPPS
The objectives of the Doctoral Program in Mathematics follow the common objectives of postgraduate education according to the Higher Education Ordinance (1993: 100).
These goals are divided into three categories:
- Knowledge and understanding
- Skills and abilities
- Ability to make judgments and adopt a standpoint.
A concrete description of how these goals can be met within the framework of the doctoral program are described in the general subject study plan.
Previous knowledge
Basic eligibility complies with the general stated in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993: 100). As a special qualification for admission to postgraduate education in the subject of aerospace engineering, the applicant must have:
- Completed basic competencies in the area, or
- In some other way, within or outside the country, acquired the corresponding relevant knowledge in the relevant areas.
The application process
In order to apply for a doctoral program, there must be an available doctoral appointment. On KTH's central website, a list of all KTH's vacancies, including doctoral posts, is published.
More information about Doctoral Studies at KTH
For general questions regarding doctoral studies at KTH, please contact