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Tasks of KTH Space Centre

  • To coordinate and make visible space-related activities at KTH, with the goal of establishing KTH as a “space higher education institution” and a hub for Swedish space research and technology.
  • To act to strengthen and further develop space-related activities at KTH through benefitting from multidisciplinary collaboration.
  • To carry out strategic, external analyses linked to the initiation of matching programmes at KTH. These programmes can/should have a multidisciplinary character with a space connection. Specifically ESA and EU (Horisont 2020) are programmes of interest.
  • The Space Centre shall also act to enable KTH to implement major space projects that would be difficult to accomplish with individual research teams. Initially, the ambition is to develop a satellite project which is carried out and that involves a number of different teams and Schools at KTH. This shall be linked to education and research together with technology and experiment development. These projects may pave the way to more visionary projects, such as building a probe to send to Venus.
  • To create a “financial pool” for experimental and technical support for ongoing space projects at KTH, as well as for joint, externally funded activities. One object is to be able to retain technical personnel and competence during periods between externally funded major space projects.
  • To increase contacts with the European Space Agency (ESA), principally in relation to TRP (Basic Technology Research Programme) and GSTP (General Support Technology Programme). This is partly to utilise existing opportunities for grants for technology development and partly, by way of the Swedish National Space Board (SNSB), to influence the content of these programmes.
  • To act to strengthen KTH’s participation in projects involvig students, such as the REXUS/BEXUS programmes, MIST, AESIR and the space summer camp. 
  • To increase the coordination and provide a better overview of KTH’s space-related courses.