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An additive assembly of experts

We hosted the Swedish Arena for Additive Manufacturing of Metals

Prof. Sasan Dadbakhsh from IPU played a major role in organizing the event
Published Feb 22, 2023

KTH researchers organised a conference called ’The Swedish Arena for Additive Manufacturing of Metals’, an event that attracted around 55 people from the largest Swedish companies, institutions, and organisations within the field of additive manufacturing in Stockholm. This contained an intensive program composing of 5 invited speakers, 19 oral presentations, 10 poster presentations.

The two-day event took place on Jan 11-12 2023, and it was enabled by a close internal collaboration in KTH Royal Institute of Technology between two departments of production engineering (IPU) and materials engineering (MSE), both from ITM school. Such close relationship is inspired from IRIS program, which is a school initiative for enabling researchers to work together, across departments. This, with the holistic interdisciplinary perspective, aims at enhancing the impact of KTH's research for more a sustainable industry and society.

Jernkontoret with the participants Talking to the conference organisers, “The most fun was to see what a large network of PhD students and postdocs within AM in Sweden that the Swedish Arena for Additive Manufacturing of Metals has gathered/built up. To see all the interesting research going on within metal AM in Sweden”, says Greta Lindwall. ”This allows a higher level of collaboration between AM players in Sweden specifically to improve the technological sustainability of AM for example in terms of energy consumption and materials with a central role for KTH”, says Sasan Dadbakhsh.

Thank you to Bo Larsson, Robert Vikman and Katja Dolinar Valentic at Jernkontoret and TO80 for hosting us.

The conference was organised by The Swedish Arena for Additive Manufacturing of Metals in cooperation with Jernkontoret TO80 (Powder Metallurgy). KTH Royal Institute of Technology was the main host for the conference, and Linköping University, Luleå University of Technology, Swerim AB and University West were co-organising.

Page responsible:Alexandra Von Kern
Belongs to: Department of Production Engineering
Last changed: Feb 22, 2023