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  • Major drive for green steel

    Steel flowers
    Image by DALL-E.
    Published May 04, 2023

    In a project designed to help the steel industry transition to a climate-neutral production, KTH and Luleå University of Technology will share over 41 million SEK from EU and Tillväxtverket. The focus...

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  • A new ShiftLabs node is starting in Södertälje

    Map of Sweden with circles around the four node locations.
    ShiftLabs' four nodes are in Gothenburg, Skövde, Mälardalen and the Stockholm region.
    Published May 02, 2023

    Small and medium-sized businesses will receive help with digitalisation from KTH Leancentrum and Södertälje Science Park. As part of the innovation hub ShiftLabs, their mission is to provide companies...

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  • Laumert new director at Centrum för Ny Energiteknik (CNETO)

    Björn Laumert in KTH Library
    Published Apr 27, 2023

    Björn Laumert, head of the Department of Energy Technology, is new director at the Centrum för Ny Energiteknik (CNETO) in Oskarshamn. CNETO is a collaboration platform between the public sector, acade...

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  • IDOCOS Event

    IDOCOS event
    Published Apr 25, 2023

    On behalf of the partners of the Innovative Doctoral Courses for Sustainability (IDOCOS) project, it is our pleasure to invite you to attend the Concluding Event of the project.

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  • INDEK releases a yearbook for 2022

    Published Apr 19, 2023

    The year when INDEK came back to Campus.

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  • The actions that prevent sex trade in hotels

    Image showing people in a hotel room, a reception and a woman with "Stop prostitution".
    Image: Stina Wirsén
    Published Apr 12, 2023

    Most people know that both prostitution and human trafficking take place in Swedish hotels. Few, though, think about how this affects the hotel staff and their attitude toward the workplace. And how c...

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  • Visiting researcher from Poland

    Pawel Dunaj
    Published Apr 03, 2023

    Dr Paweł Dunaj is a visiting researcher at IPU for seven weeks. The internship is a start of establishing a long-term collaboration between his unit at the in Poland and KTH.

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  • Climate effects of payments

    Published Mar 24, 2023

    Researchers at INDEK have received funds to study the climate impact of payment services

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  • KTH researcher is a lead author in the GEO-7 report

    Participants at the meeting
    The first Global Author's Meeting for the GEO-7 Report was in Bangkok.
    Published Mar 23, 2023

    In March 2023, hundreds of environmental experts gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, for the first authors' meeting of the Seventh Edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7) of the UN Environment Pr...

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  • Interdisciplinary PhD school discussed sustainable energy transitions

    A collage from the PhD Winterschool
    Published Mar 17, 2023

    Frauke Urban (INDEK) and Saman Nimali Gunasekara (EGI) organised a PhD Winter School on “Sustainable Energy Transitions – Technology and Management Perspectives” on 13 – 15 March 2023 at KTH.

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  • KTH researchers supporting hydrocarbons as refrigerants in heat pumps

    Propane as an example of hydrocarbon refrigerant
    Published Mar 16, 2023

    KTH researchers take the lead on Position Paper supporting hydrocarbons as refrigerants in heat pumps

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  • 3D printed parts in space no "rocket science"

    Rocketship launch at European Space Agency.
    Photo: © ESA
    Published Mar 15, 2023

    The competitive space industry is now into recycling and cost hunting. By reusing rocket engines and 3D print engine parts cost can be lowered, but how will the 3D parts affect the engines? Researcher...

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  • Borgenstam on prestigeous list

    Portrait of woman, smiling.
    Annika Borgenstam is recognized because, as a teacher, researcher and leader, she pays attention to how inequality is recreated and works to promote equality.
    Published Mar 10, 2023

    Annika Borgenstam, Professor at Materials Science and Engineering, is among the 40 most powerful women in mining and steel, according to "Sveriges hårdaste lista".

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  • A giant in materials research

    Mats Hillert
    Professor Emeritus Mats Hillert was 97 years old, all along an active researcher at KTH.
    Published Mar 08, 2023

    During his record-long researcher’s work on Materials Science, Mats Hillert trained generations of scientists and engineers. He also laid the foundation for modern materials science at KTH.

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  • CoKitchen final seminar

    Published Mar 08, 2023

    We wrapped up the CoKitchen project with a public seminar held at KTH with presentations from the project participants and a panel discussion about the future of housing with experts from across the s...

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  • Quantum mechanics could lead to stronger, more sustainable alloys

    man holding piece of metal
    Researcher Song Lu holds a piece of metal that was developed using quantum mechanical theory.
    Published Feb 23, 2023

    It may be an abstract concept for many people, but a new study shows that quantum mechanics can play a role in reducing the carbon footprint for producing steel and other alloys while making materials...

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  • Brandberg School receives a visit from the Royal Institute of Technology and the House of Science

    Published Feb 23, 2023

    Students from Brandberg School were visited by students from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Vetenskapens Hus, and then Year 8 went on a visit to KTH.

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  • An additive assembly of experts

    Prof. Sasan Dadbakhsh from IPU played a major role in organizing the event
    Published Feb 22, 2023

    KTH researchers organised a conference called ’The Swedish Arena for Additive Manufacturing of Metals’, an event that attracted around 55 people from the largest Swedish companies, institutions, and o...

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  • KTH improves power generation

    Two men standing at a large concentrated solar power plant, with mirrors surrounding them.
    Where the radiation is good it might be suitable to capture heat from the sun is by mirrors angled so that they redirect the light to a point in a tower. The tower gets very hot and fluid takes up and storage the heat that is later used to drive a CO2 turbine. Salvatore Guccione and Rafael Guedez visited this tower in Spain.
    Published Feb 15, 2023

    Many of today's power plants are powered by turbines run by steam. In recent years, turbines driven by a special form of CO2 show exciting potential. There is still research needed to make the technol...

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  • New project on digital solutions for value recovery in manufacturing

    Person in manufacturing
    Photo: This is engineering, Unsplash.
    Published Feb 07, 2023

    A four-year research project involving KTH and partners from 9 countries kicked-off in January 2023. The project will focus on the development of an open access platform for lifecycle information mana...

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