Kristina Nyström
Professor of Economics
Kristina Nyström is a Professor of Economics focusing on microeconomic drivers for technology development, innovations, economic growth and entrepreneurship. Her research focuses particularly on firm dynamics in terms of the creation, expansion, contraction and closure of firms.
This includes e.g. the role of entrepreneurship in the labour market, where the focus tends to be on successful entrepreneurs and the startup process. Companies that close down and those who work with the entrepreneur as employees are, however, also important to the labour market and industrial dynamics. Who accepts a job in a new startup when they know that the majority of such companies close within five years?
Nyström’s research contributes for example to greater insight into the importance of new firms for people in a weaker position in the labour market, such as young people and those not already in employment. The research also looks at the regional perspective to recruitment. Many hundreds of millions are currently being invested in green energy in northern Sweden. How can the right talent successfully be recruited for these investments?