Monica Bellgran
Professor of Industrial Production
The industrial production area is wide-ranging, multi-disciplined and comprises issues of many different types. Monica Bellgran's research is primarily focused on the development and operation of production systems. This concerns how best to organise and manage the various elements of the system – factory premises, machines, materials and products, as well as people – in order to produce items on an effective and sustainable basis.
Bellgran has previously researched the development of assembly systems. By studying a number of production companies and how they had developed their last-installed assembly system, development processes and various influencing factors could be identified. The starting point was to use a structured development process to create the best possible production system. In a number of research projects together with production researchers from other institutes of higher education, new production systems and methods to increase production efficiency have been studied. Lean production and kaikaku (which is Japanese and means radical change) are examples of exciting areas within innovative production development.
In recent years, the research has focused on current research areas for industry, such as industrialisation of new products, production localisation and environmental improvement methods in factories.