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Wireless sensor and actuator networks for measurement and control (WiSA II)

Author/s: Jens Zander, Luca Stabellini

Start date: 2008-01-01
End date: 2010-12-31
Financier/s: VINNOVA, TEKES (Nordite II)


To gain a competitive advantage, industrial companies are demanding greater amount of information, faster methods of processing it, more flexible use of resources and transparency all the way from sensor level to business applications. Essentially, they seek more devices to collect better information on the physical world, assess its meaning, communicate it and adapt the physical processes accordingly. Industry is increasingly turning to systems composed of distributed intelligent devices that communicate via digitised data streams. These systems can move monitoring and control functions closer to the production cycle, adapt and continuously enhance the performance while reducing operational overhead and installation, or maintenance time. Research and development in flexible automation will contribute directly to the competitive edge of Nordic industries and open up important opportunities towards employment and growth.

The department participates in workpackages concerning self-configuring MAC-protocols and performance analyses.

Page responsible:Web editors at EECS
Belongs to: Communication Systems
Last changed: May 20, 2020