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COIN-SWEAT is a project proposal that follows the Digital Agenda for Europe and targets innovative solutions for self-management of health. The focus is on ICT solutions developed for well-being and physical training as a tool to enhance self-awareness of individuals that engage in these activities with the aim of preventing injuries and provide early diagnosis on potential health related issues.

The main objective is to analyse how wearable digital technologies can improve well-being of the people, and further adapt the products in order to reach a broader customer segment, based on the knowledge gained from the validation activities.

The partners are the two SMEs WEMEMOVE and Biosync Technology, the non-profit organisation Friskis and Svettis (Uppsala Branch) providing various forms of exercise and communication systems department at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).

Project managers and contact persons are the KTH researchers Jan Markendahl, Mårten Sundquist and Andrés Laya.