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Machine-to-Machine – Redefining Information Sharing and Enablers (M2MRISE)

is a new project, launched on January 23th 2014 as part of the EIT ICT Labs action line Networking Solutions for Future Media. Ericsson AB, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Aalto University, Nokia Research Center and Orange S.A. constitute the constellation of partners. The project will foster the development of a framework that enables services based on Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications and Internet of Things (IoT), within current and future cellular networks, by taking into account overall system, service and business model aspects.

M2M communications refer to the automated exchange of data among autonomous devices, without human intervention. Forecast agree on the fact that M2M will constitute and important element of 5G, what it is going to be covered in this EIT ICT activity is a holistic view on system and business aspects. Currently, there is a market of “Internet-of-Things” that is very much fragmented and stove-oriented and the opportunity is changing the market by providing better communication support, with horizontal solution that aim at reducing entry barriers for new services.

The identified gaps

It is necessary to identify how existing communication systems can efficiently and economically support this new type of traffic and what would be the long-term co-existence strategy. M2M services should be provided under different network deployment and propagation scenarios, including conditions that do not apply for traditional human-centric communications. Furthermore, sustainable business models, beyond current approaches are needed in order to provide growth and diversity.

The goal and focus of the project

The activity will produce the necessary link between technical requirements, services and applications and adequate business models that will enable large scale M2M deployments. Thus, services related to e-Healthcare, transportation and Smart Cities could be delivered to end-users in a cost-effective and scalable manner. Partners will develop new cross-competence skills, share their unique expertise and promote partnerships towards developing cohesive solutions, with impact across the entire M2M value chain. Specific focus of attention will be centered in:

  • Precise implications and bottlenecks related to the co-existence of machine and human type of traffic in terms of network scalability and cost-efficient deployments with long-range solutions.
  • Identification and analysis of migration paths for large-scale M2M deployments considering cost limitations and achievable capacity.
  • Analysis and proposal of business model options for M2M services to enable an evolution beyond current approaches.
  • Test bed demonstration of D2D links for M2M communication.

This activity will provide holistic solutions for enabling the mass adoption of M2M and IoT services by carefully analyzing trade-offs on different technical solutions and business propositions. Furthermore, the analysis will be performed considering diverse perspectives that are crucial in this type of scenarios; starting at a technical level definition of requirement and moving up to architectural and business enabling aspects. This will allow for a variety of potential beneficiaries, including network operators and system integrators, to obtain adequate indications on how to seamlessly integrate M2M solutions into ongoing and potential new services, depending on their position in the value chain.

Duration: 2014-01-23 to

Funding: EIT ICT Labs