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For researchers

Are you working with climate-related research? We are always looking to expand our affiliated faculty. You can also contact us to discuss project collaborations or to get advice and tools for working more efficiently with climate action in your projects.

Affiliated faculty

Researchers may apply to our researcher network via this form

Open positions

There are no open positions at the moment

Open calls

Call for applications for interdisciplinary collaboration in education and research 2024. Stockholm Trio for Sustainable Actions is pleased to announce calls for funding for 2024 within interdisciplinary collaboration in education and research. The aim of the funding is to support collaborations. This funding is open to all areas, and we encourage applicants from any discipline to submit proposals. Deadline: 29 September 2023.

Climate Action in doctoral research

A course that focuses on the development of climate action related-projects in doctoral education. One of the course's outputs will be applying new tools and methodologies in climate action research and engagement.

Toolbox for sustainable development research

KTH wants to be leading in research for a sustainable development, and works continuously to improve both knowledge production and implementation. Welcome to investigate KTH's toolbox for research for sustainable development: