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Technology for climate action

This climate action research area focuses on sustainable energy, transportation, automation, storage, and related topics.

Research projects

An AI-based framework for harmonizing climate policies and projects with the SDGs

In this project, we propose to extend current assessments of the various synergies and trade-offs among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations (UN) via methods based on artificial intelligence (AI). The project will also strengthen the collaboration between Digital Futures and the KTH Climate Action Centre. The proposed research project is relevant due to the pressing need to develop a policy that enables, rather than inhibits, sustainable development. Furthermore, including AI-based methods in governance actions and development programs is essential.

Francesco Fuso-Nerini
Francesco Fuso-Nerini associate professor
Ricardo Vinuesa Motilva
Ricardo Vinuesa Motilva associate professor

The Fundamental Role of AI for Sustainable Development: Climate Compatible Growth programme and Beyond

AI is revolutionizing almost all aspects of the way we interact on an individual level to how populations operate on a societal level. This includes changes across the labour market, increased energy demand for server infrastructure/data hubs, and autonomous vehicles transforming transportation systems. More broadly, AI will affect all Sustainable Development Goals. AI poses substantial risks, e.g., when used for facial recognition, when algorithms exhibit racial biases or when imagery is artificially altered. However, it also offers massive and meaningful societal improvements by helping to fill critical data gaps, increase efficiency of both private and public sector operations and help more targeted interventions, both in the public sector but also for example in healthcare via advanced diagnostics. In this project, a collaboration with Oxford University, we look at the role of AI for energy and climate goals in the global south.

Francesco Fuso-Nerini
Francesco Fuso-Nerini associate professor

Sustainable Energy Transformations in Aviation (SETA)

The project contributes to an acceleration of sustainable energy transformations in aviation, with a focus on bio-based jet fuels, electric aircrafts and potentially even hydrogen.

Frauke Urban
Frauke Urban professor

Direct reduction of alloy metals (DRAM)

This project aims to see if alloys of a target composition can be produced directly from mixtures of oxide powders using hydrogen, to achieve large greenhouse gas emission reductions from the metals industry.

Christopher Hulme
Christopher Hulme associate professor

Development and improvement of microbial cell factories

Development and improvement of microbial cell factories such as yeast and Clostridium thermocellum, for sustainable biotechnological production of chemicals and fuels.

Antonius Van Maris
Antonius Van Maris professor


Multiple greenhouse gases mitigation to achieve “Energy efficient negative emissions from agricultural sector”
More info here.

Shareq Mohd Nazir
Shareq Mohd Nazir associate professor

Recovery of vanadium and Sc

Research aims to recover vanadium of high purity to be used in redox flow batteries and to recover Sc for use in solid oxide fuel cells

Kerstin Forsberg
Kerstin Forsberg professor

IRIS initiative Area 3: Sustainable energy systems

Technologies for a carbon-neutral vision while simultaneously assessing how firms, industries and countries are working in practice to make transitions in their energy mix.

Frauke Urban
Frauke Urban professor

FLIGHT – Decreased CO2-emissions in flight-intensive organisations: from data to practice

In this project, we will create and test practical tools to reduce travel-related CO2 emissions, thereby moving from words to action. Learn more about the project: FLIGHT

Daniel Pargman
Daniel Pargman associate professor

ProDeox – Routes for production of transportation fuels via deoxygenated bio oil

Hydrogen is necessary for Sweden to have transportation fuels from biogenic feedstocks. In Prodeox, we are researching techno-economic and environment friendly processes to produce this hydrogen.

Shareq Mohd Nazir
Shareq Mohd Nazir associate professor

TREVOL (aircraft Trajectory analysis for Reduced EnVirOnmentaL impact)

This project is carried out within the Centre for Sustainable Aviation (CSA). The project aims to analyse and optimize aircraft trajectories for an environmental impact reduction from aviation in terms of gas emissions and noise. Learn more about the project: TREVOL

Evelyn Otero Sola
Evelyn Otero Sola associate professor

The regulatory role of hydropower for a renewable energy system with climate fluctuations and increasingly international energy markets

Anders Wörman
Anders Wörman professor

Recycling of lithium ion batteries and magnet waste

The research contributes to the recycling of lithium ion batteries and recycling of magnet waste (permanent magnets used in wind turbines)

Kerstin Forsberg
Kerstin Forsberg professor

The importance of smallscale hydropower for the future Swedish power system

Anders Wörman
Anders Wörman professor

Utilisation of food waste and side streams from agricultural production for new food ingredients from plant sources, using green chemistry approaches

Francisco Javier Vilaplana Domingo
Francisco Javier Vilaplana Domingo professor

The world's strongest bio-based material

A material developed to be used in the transition to a more sustainable society.

Tomas Rosén
Tomas Rosén researcher

Creative Construction of Defossilized Value Chains (CROSS)

The project aims at developing an integrated alcohol-based biorefinery, which provides a holistic solution to a fossil free Sweden. Link to more info here

Efthymios Kantarelis
Efthymios Kantarelis associate professor