Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track (PIVOT-1 and PIVOT-2) (RV32)
Project Coordinator - Siemens Mobility GmbH
Project Leader at KTH - Sebastian Stichel
Scientists at KTH - Mats Berg, Peter Göransson, Rickard Persson, Per Wennhage, Carlos Casanueva Perez, Saeed Hossein Nia, Anton Shipsha, Rocco Giossi, Johan Larsson, Visakh V Krishna, Rohan Kulkarni
Other Scientists - From 16 European Partners
Source of Funding - Trafikverket and European Commission (Horizon 2020)
PIVOT-1 and PIVOT-2 build on the ROLL2RAIL lighthouse project and address mechanical systems within rail vehicles: Carbodies, Running Gear, Brakes, Entry Systems and Interiors including the Cab. The projects use a system engineering approach. The overall ambition is to develop technologies that are lighter, more energy efficient, more comfortable for passengers and with a lower impact on the track, thereby reducing the life cycle cost not only of the vehicle itself, but of the entire railway system. Technologies that increase the operational reliability of trains, causing less travel disruptions, ensuring that passengers get to destination on time and delivering a better service are also objectives. It is expected that technologies developed should automatically promote the increase of the transport capacity of railway lines.
KTH is in these projects mainly working on the development of concepts for light weight carbodies and bogie frames with novel materials like sandwich materials. Another concept that is pursued is a two-axle single stage suspension vehicle with active wheelset guidance and active suspension to improve ride comfort, cf. RUN2RAIL and NEXTGEAR.
R. Persson, S. Stichel and R. Giossi. How can active suspension reduce cost in rail vehicles? TRA2020, Helsinki, Finland, April 2020, postponed to April 2021.
R. Libero Giossi, R. Persson and S. Stichel. Gain scaling for active wheelset steering on innovative two-axle vehicle. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, IAVSD, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 2019.