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Sound and Time

The Sound and Music Computing group at MID kindly welcomes you all to the Sound and Music Interactions seminar #15

Tid: Ti 2021-06-15 kl 15.00

Plats: Online

Medverkande: Anna Lundh, Konstfack

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Sound and time

The seminar will discuss how sound is inextricably linked to time and temporality, in and through my artistic practice and research. I will present a selection of artistic works as well as ongoing research, in order to unpack and explore these aspects. We will consider moving images, technology and sound, optical sound, as well as speech.  


Anna Lundh is a visual artist based in Stockholm, currently a Phd candidate in the program “Art, Technology and Design” at Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, and KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Lundh’s research based work investigates cultural phenomena, societal agreements, and how ideological shifts take place, often dealing with the subject matter of technology, and our experience of time. This transdisciplinary practice includes video, sound, installation, web-based work, interactive experiments, and lecture-performance. Lundh holds an MFA from Konstfack, Stockholm, and she has also studied at The Cooper Union School of Art, New York. Her work has been exhibited in Sweden at Moderna Museet, Bonniers Konsthall, Tensta Konsthall, Index Foundation, and GIBCA, to name a few; and internationally in Korea, Norway, Holland, Denmark, Latvia and the US – primarily in New York City art organizations including The New Museum, The Kitchen, ExitArt, Apexart, and Performa 13. Most recently, her work was included in the exhibition Mud Muses- a Rant about Technology, at Moderna Museet, Stockholm.

The seminar will be given online via Zoom. Contact the organizer  to ask for the link.