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Sustainable Fashion Challenge

Can you make the fashion industry more sustainable? Your idea can win 50 000 in funding from KTH Innovation!

Two women in blue, patterned clothes walk away from the camera. Brick buildings in the background.

Improve how clothes are seen, worn, and made

We are looking for tech ideas in all areas that can contribute to sustainable style. 

Submit your ideas in areas like:

  • Production and logistics

  • New materials or components in clothes or makeup
  • Shopping and returns
  • Makeup and cosmetics
  • New digital solutions

An idea competition for a more sustainable fashion industry

Bio-based nail polish, a new type of fabric, clothes that tell you when they need to be washed. We are looking for new, tech-based ideas in all areas that can help the fashion industry become more sustainable! 

One team will win 50 000 SEK in funding to develop their idea. 

For students, researchers and employees at KTH

The challenge is open to all students, researchers and employees at KTH. We welcome mixed teams if the core team has a strong KTH connection. 

From advanced research results to early-stage ideas - we are looking for the full spectrum!  

How it works

The challenge opens on 18 March and closes on 11 May

Submit your idea in Sustainable Fashion Challenge!

To enter an idea in Sustainable Fashion Challenge, all you need to do is to send us a short description! 

Picture from Pixabay