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AE2406 Forskningsmetod 3,0 hp

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Kursplan AE2406 (HT 2010–)
Rubriker med innehåll från kursplan AE2406 (HT 2010–) är markerade med en asterisk ( )

Innehåll och lärandemål


The course consists of structured lectures where the students have to prepare prior to the session. Students will be required to submit their preparation material prior to each session. The sessions are compulsory. The students will have a project to design a research project. They will be required to write abstracts to scientific journal papers. They will be required to evaluate the structure of scientific journal papers. They will be required to make a mock online submission of a paper to an international journal. They will work with computer programs for word processing, word and latex, as well as reference programs. They will design the layout of a journal publication.


The aim of this course is to provide the necessary tools for students to conduct research in natural and applied science and to present their findings. The course deals with the cycle of research processes and includes conceptualization, information searching, evaluation, analysis, report-writing and oral presentation techniques. It addresses issues such as validity, reliability and ethics.

After completion of the course the students should be able to design a research project. They should be able to decide upon appropriate research methodology. They should be able to conduct a literature hunt. They should be able to write a report in the format which is required by international scientific journals. This entails knowing the basic structure of a scientific paper, what the different parts of a paper should consist of as well as different methods for citation of references and how to write a reference list. It also entails word processing skills and oral presentation skills. Students should know how to submit, on line, a journal article to an international journal. Students should also be able to critically evaluate research papers.

Kurslitteratur och förberedelser

Särskild behörighet

Admitted to TWSTM or TEESM. Documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.

Rekommenderade förkunskaper

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Examination och slutförande

När kurs inte längre ges har student möjlighet att examineras under ytterligare två läsår.


P, F


  • INL1 - Inlämningsuppgift, 3,0 hp, betygsskala: P, F

Examinator beslutar, baserat på rekommendation från KTH:s handläggare av stöd till studenter med funktionsnedsättning, om eventuell anpassad examination för studenter med dokumenterad, varaktig funktionsnedsättning.

Examinator får medge annan examinationsform vid omexamination av enstaka studenter.

Övriga krav för slutbetyg

The grade in the course will be based on the student’s participation in the structured lectures, the quality of their preparation assignments, exercises and project work.

Möjlighet till komplettering

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Möjlighet till plussning

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Etiskt förhållningssätt

  • Vid grupparbete har alla i gruppen ansvar för gruppens arbete.
  • Vid examination ska varje student ärligt redovisa hjälp som erhållits och källor som använts.
  • Vid muntlig examination ska varje student kunna redogöra för hela uppgiften och hela lösningen.

Ytterligare information

Kursrum i Canvas

Registrerade studenter hittar information för genomförande av kursen i kursrummet i Canvas. En länk till kursrummet finns under fliken Studier i Personliga menyn vid kursstart.

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Denna kurs tillhör inget huvudområde.


Avancerad nivå


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