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AD2845 Grundläggande principer för fastighetsekonomi och urban ekonomi 7,5 hp

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Kursplan AD2845 (HT 2010–)
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Innehåll och lärandemål


That the economic dimension of cities is profound is generally agreed and many would argue that it is the prime driving force behind the urban based societies we live in today. Any study of or intevention in cities therefore needs a basic understadning of cities as economic entities. The field of urban economics is huge and this course will address three prime topics of fundamental importance to urban planning and design.

MOM1, gives an introduction to cities as economic systems on the local, regional and global scale and especially the interplay between these scales. The different conceptualisations of urban space on these different scales will be stressed as a means to support the understanding of the role of urban planning and design for the topic.

MOM2, gives an introduction to cities as real estate development and management where both the legal and economic aspects of real estate is presented. As support for imformed urban planning and design, the understanding of the spatial boundaries that legal and economic regulations sets on real estate is stressed.

MOM3, gives an introduction to cities as commercial cultures and the increasingly important role economic production and consumption play in urban culture. This is not least structured by urban planning and design why its role in this developemnt will be especially analysed.

All three topics will be studied in sequence with great focus and concentration on each and its special implicatiopns for urban planning and design. The general layout for each is an intense introductory part with lectures, literature studies and seminars followed by a concrete excercise where the subject matter is given concrete urban form.


The course gives the students a solid introduction to cities as economic systems, structured around three topics: cities as local, regional and global economic systems, cities and real estate development and management and cities as commercial cultures. At focus is the interplay of urban planning and design and all these three topics. At the end of the course the students shall be able to:

- in an informed and comfortable way discuss all the three topics at a basic level with both academics and professionals in their field and have a solid platform from which to further develop their knowledge.

- have a developed understanding of how urban planning and design both affects and is affected by the three topics so that it can support their future professional work both in the form of texts and designs. 

Kurslitteratur och förberedelser

Särskild behörighet

For students within the TUPDM program:

For external students:

  • A completed Bachelor Degree in Planning, Architecture, Engineering or Social Science. The previous study should comprise at least 30 ECTS in the field of urban design, urban, transport or regional planning, national/regional economics, geoinformatics or environmental sciences.
  • Documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.

Rekommenderade förkunskaper

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Announced at course start

Examination och slutförande

När kurs inte längre ges har student möjlighet att examineras under ytterligare två läsår.


A, B, C, D, E, FX, F


  • MOM1 - Moment 1, 2,5 hp, betygsskala: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
  • MOM2 - Moment 2, 2,5 hp, betygsskala: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
  • MOM3 - Moment 3, 2,5 hp, betygsskala: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

Examinator beslutar, baserat på rekommendation från KTH:s handläggare av stöd till studenter med funktionsnedsättning, om eventuell anpassad examination för studenter med dokumenterad, varaktig funktionsnedsättning.

Examinator får medge annan examinationsform vid omexamination av enstaka studenter.

Övriga krav för slutbetyg

MOM1, 2,5 hp, grade A-F

MOM2, 2,5 hp, grade A-F

MOM3, 2,5 hp, grade A-F

Each moment (MOM1-MOM3) in the course consists of an exam and an exercise that results in a grade.

To obtain the final grade, all items (MOM1–MOM3) have to be passed, plus 80% attendance at all teaching sessions.

Möjlighet till komplettering

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Möjlighet till plussning

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Etiskt förhållningssätt

  • Vid grupparbete har alla i gruppen ansvar för gruppens arbete.
  • Vid examination ska varje student ärligt redovisa hjälp som erhållits och källor som använts.
  • Vid muntlig examination ska varje student kunna redogöra för hela uppgiften och hela lösningen.

Ytterligare information

Kursrum i Canvas

Registrerade studenter hittar information för genomförande av kursen i kursrummet i Canvas. En länk till kursrummet finns under fliken Studier i Personliga menyn vid kursstart.

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