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Poster session

Lightning poster presentation - Session 1 - Monday, July 1

Aditya S. Gopalan UIUC Scaling Limit of a Stochastic Hegselmann-Krause Model 1
Bharath Roy Choudhury INRIA Genealogies of records of stochastic processes with stationary increments as unimodular trees 2
Burak Buke University of Edinburgh Modelling Individuality and Strategic Behaviour in Large Service Systems 3
Gal Mendelson Technion Worst case analysis of non-stationary Multi-Armed-Bandits 4
John Hasenbein University of Texas at Austin Naor's Unobservable Model with Partial Arrival Rate Information 5
Juniper Cocomello Brown University Exact description of limiting SIR and SEIR dynamics on locally tree-like graphs 6
Mauricio Daros Andrade  University of Pennsylvania Joint Convergence of Monochromatic Subgraphs in Randomly Colored Dense Multiplex Networks 7
Omar De la Cruz Cabrera Kent State University A Diffusion Process with Markov Matrix Values 8
Priya Mittal IIT Dehli Pricing exchange option with stochastic liquidity risk and stochastic volatility 9
Purva Joshi Eindhoven University of Technology Dynamic Scheduling and Trajectory Planning for Intersections with Heterogeneous Autonomous Traffic 10
Ebru Kasikaralar Chicago Booth School of Business Dynamic Scheduling of a Multiclass Queue in the Halfin-Whitt Regime: A Computational Approach for High-Dimensional Problems  11

Lightning poster presentation - Session 2 - Wednesday, July 3

Junghyun Lee  KAIST Nearly Optimal Latent State Decoding in Block MDPs 1
Sanne van Kempen  Eindhoven University of Technology Learning payoffs while routing in skill-based queues 2
Shamiksha IIT Dehli Infinite-server systems with dynamic contagion arrivals and Hawkes services. 4
Taha Ameen UIUC Exact Random Graph Matching with Multiple Graphs 5
Utpal Jyoti Deba Sarma Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Asymptotic analysis for discrete-time Hawkes process and its compensator 6
Yaosheng Xu University of Chicago Asymptotic steady-state independence for generalized Jackson Networks in multi-scale heavy traffic 7
Yashaswini Murthy UIUC Performance Bounds for Policy Based Average Reward RL Algorithms 8
Yonatan Shadmi Imperial Cellege London Importance Sampling in High Dimension 9
Yunfang Yang  National University of Singapore Economies of operational hybridity in large-scale service systems 10
Zhiqiang Zhang Chicago Booth School of Business Admission Decisions Under Imperfect Classification: An Application in Criminal Justice 11
Po-An Wang KTH On universally optimal algorithms for AB testing 12

Please find a list of accepted posters below.

Aditya S. Gopalan UIUC Scaling Limit of a Stochastic Hegselmann-Krause Model
Alessia Rigonat  INRIA Stochastic averaging and mean-field for a large system with fast varying environment
Bharath Roy Choudhury INRIA Genealogies of records of stochastic processes with stationary increments as unimodular trees
Burak Buke University of Edinburgh Modelling Individuality and Strategic Behaviour in Large Service Systems
Ebru Kasikaralar Chicago Booth School of Business Dynamic Scheduling of a Multiclass Queue in the Halfin-Whitt Regime: A Computational Approach for High-Dimensional Problems 
Fethi Bencherki  Lund University Learning Optimal Dispatching Policies for Queueing Systems
Frederic Zheng KTH Conformal Prediction under Markovian data
Gal Mendelson Technion Worst case analysis of non-stationary Multi-Armed-Bandits
Hoang Huy Nguyen  Georgia Institute of Technology Mixing Time of M/M/n Queue in the Super-Halfin-Whitt Regime: A Lyapunov-Poincaré Approach
John Hasenbein University of Texas at Austin Naor's Unobservable Model with Partial Arrival Rate Information
Junghyun Lee  KAIST Nearly Optimal Latent State Decoding in Block MDPs
Juniper Cocomello Brown University Exact description of limiting SIR and SEIR dynamics on locally tree-like graphs
Mahmoud Khabou Imperial Cellege London Periodic Network Count Autoregression with Infinite Memory
Mauricio Daros Andrade  University of Pennsylvania Joint Convergence of Monochromatic Subgraphs in Randomly Colored Dense Multiplex Networks
Omar De la Cruz Cabrera Kent State University A Diffusion Process with Markov Matrix Values
Po-An Wang KTH On universally optimal algorithms for AB testing
Priya Mittal IIT Delhi Pricing exchange option with stochastic liquidity risk and stochastic volatility
Purva Joshi Eindhoven University of Technology Dynamic Scheduling and Trajectory Planning for Intersections with Heterogeneous Autonomous Traffic
Sanne van Kempen  Eindhoven University of Technology Learning payoffs while routing in skill-based queues
Shamiksha IIT Delhi Infinite-server systems with dynamic contagion arrivals and Hawkes services.
Simon Linståhl KTH / Ericsson Research Change point detection with adaptive measurement schedules for network performance verification
Stefan Stojanovic KTH Leveraged Entry-wise Matrix Completion for Reinforcement Learning
Taha Ameen UIUC Exact Random Graph Matching with Multiple Graphs
Utpal Jyoti Deba Sarma Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Asymptotic analysis for discrete-time Hawkes process and its compensator
Vilhelm Agdur  Uppsala University Universal lower bound for community structure of sparse graphs
William Reveillard KTH Low-Rank Bandits via Tight Two-to-Infinity Singular Subspace Recovery
Yaosheng Xu University of Chicago Asymptotic steady-state independence for generalized Jackson Networks in multi-scale heavy traffic
Yashaswini Murthy UIUC Performance Bounds for Policy Based Average Reward RL Algorithms
Yonatan Shadmi Imperial Cellege London Importance Sampling in High Dimension
Yunfang Yang  National University of Singapore Economies of operational hybridity in large-scale service systems
Zhiqiang Zhang Chicago Booth School of Business Admission Decisions Under Imperfect Classification: An Application in Criminal Justice