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Stochastic Networks 2024


The banquet will start at 6PM July 4 in Skansen -- please enter using the main entrance.

The address is: Solliden, Skansens Restauranger, Djurgårdsslätten 49-51, 115 21, Stockholm. See the picture below.


Welcome to the Stochastic Networks conference 2024. Over the last three decades, the conference has become a prestigious venue for mathematicians and applied researchers who share an interest in stochastic network models. It began with the workshop organized by Peter Glynn and Tom Kurtz in Madison Wisconsin in 1987 and is now a biannual conference. It is hosted by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. For more information on the conference, please refer to this page  maintained by Prof. Kavita Ramanan.

The conference program can be found here . The program with abstracts is also available here: pdf (pdf 389 kB) .

For further information please contact us at . If you would like access to a private lactation space, we will arrange a room nearby. Just contact any of the organisers: Alexandre (, Fiona(, Henrik ( or Pierre (

The conference is part of a Digital Futures  focus period around the theme of Learning in Networks: Structure, Dynamics, and Control . During this period, we organize a satellite workshop (june 29 and July 4). 

Local organizing team

Henrik Hult (KTH), Pierre Nyquist (Chalmers), Alexandre Proutiere (KTH), Fiona Skerman (Uppsala University)

Steering committee

François Baccelli (INRIA / ENS), Jim Dai (Cornell), Kavita Ramanan (Brown), R. Srikant (UIUC), Ruth Williams (UCSD) - (Chair), Bert Zwart (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Technical Program Committee

Alexandre Proutiere (KTH)

Bert Zwart (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Devavrat Shah (MIT)

Henrik Hult (KTH)

Fiona Skerman (Uppsala University)

Kavita Ramanan (Brown University)

Pierre Nyquist (Chalmers)

R. Srikant (UIUC)

Rami Atar (Technion)

Rouba Ibrahim (UCL)

Sophie Hautphenne (University of Melbourne)


Room E1

KTH, Osquars backe 2, floor 2, Stockholm