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In case of a fire an alarm will sound throughout the building. If you hear the alarm swiftly make your way out of the building and move to the assembly point by the roundabout outside Roslagstullsbacken 33.

Evacuation plans

For the best evacuation route, see evacuation plans which are available on every floor near the building entrances and in or by the entrances to the office and lab corridors.


Appointed evacuation officers wear bright vests marked “utrymningsledare”. The evacuation officer has the task of helping out with evacuation in case he/she is present in the premises.

In the event of a fire, the Rescue Services' primary task is to save human lives. The emergency services need to be informed as soon as possible if there are people left in a burning building, for example, a person with a disability who has difficulty getting out if elevators are not to be used. Then it is of the utmost importance that a routine exists so that this information is immediately provided to the Rescue Services' rescue leader. The evacuation officers who have a person with a disability within their area of ​​responsibility must prepare a routine that ensures that the person can get help with evacuation if the situation arises.