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Climate change utopia and dystopia narratives

- co-creation in the science-art-engineering nexus.

About the project:

The project aims to analyse and critically examine how cities can develop capabilities to adapt, acclimatize and adopt strategies to manage consequences from climate change.

A key question addressed include how cities (and their residents) can develop new capabilities manage future challenges.

The activities include working with illustrators and artists using digital media to develop illustrations of Urban climate utopia and dystopia (scenarios and urban climate change narratives) and Urban local strategies responding to climate change and flooding (local adaptation strategies).

The work will also draw in experiences from active involvement in the exhibition called “Symbiosis” at the art institution Färgfabriken in Stockholm (during 2021) where researchers worked with artists to explore new ways to discuss future environmental challenges in society in an exhibition setting. Further described in a blog-post from the ABE-school by Larsen (2021): Urban water imaginaries in exhibition - co-creative dialogues between science, art, and engineering. Click here to get to that blogpost.

Furthermore, the project will address:

i) Engineering students´ views on reversibility and adaptation in existing infrastructures, i.e. how can existing infrastructures be adapted to unexpected consequences of climate change,

ii) How precautionary principles are applied in search for robust policy plans, and

iii) How participatory processes can be strengthened by adopting visual methods and narrative enquiry to reach ambitious climate objectives.

Click on this link to see news from the KTH Climate Action centre, at the project launch in September 2022.

Funded by KTH Climate Action Centre, Decision 2021-06-15

Katarina Larsen
Katarina Larsen Project Leader