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Publications from the unit of Ergonomics for 2013


Halling, B. (2013) Lean Implementation the Significance of People and Dualism. Licentiate Thesis in Technology and Health. TRITA-STH Report 2013:8, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. ISBN978-91-7501-908-6  access


Ahlström, Dellve, Hagberg. Rehabilitation activities, work ability and return to work among female workers on long-term sick leave. J Occup Rehabil. 2013 Jun;23(2):248-60

Brännmark, M & Holden, R. Packages of Participation: Swedish Employees’ Experience of Lean Depends on How They Are Involved, IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 1:2, 93-108.  Access

Dellve L, Andreasson J, Jutengren G. Hur kan stödresurser understödja hållbart ledarskap bland chefer i vården? Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift Temanummer: Ledarskap, interventioner och hälsa 2013: 90: (6)

Elvnäs, S., & Edgar, N. R. (2013). Det spelar roll vad arbetsledare gör. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 90(6), 821-829. Access (pdf 200 kB)

Halling, B., & Renström, J. (2013). From Fantasy to Reality—Learning From Seven Years of Lean Implementation. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 10(4), 368-378.

Halling, B and Wijk, K (2013). Experienced Barriers to Lean in Swedish Manufacturing and Health Care. International Journal of Lean Thinking, Volume 4, Issue 2.

Hemphälä, H., Nylén, P. and Eklund, J. (2013). Optimal correction in spectacles–intervention effects on eyestrain and musculoskeletal discomfort among postal workers. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-131773

Holmgren K, Ekbladh E, Hensing G, Dellve L. The combination of work organizational climate and individual work commitment predicts return to work in women but not in men. J Occup Environ Med. 2013 Feb;55(2):121-7. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0b013e3182820536.

Karltun, A., & Berglund, M. (2013). Supporting engineering innovation and design by a multidisciplinary master's program. In Proceedings of the 9th International CDIO Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 9–13, 2013.

Lindgren, Bååthe, Dellve. Why risk professional fulfilment: a grounded theory of physician engagement in healthcare development. Int J Health Plann Manage. 2013 Apr-Jun;28(2)

Nylén P.  (2013) Deficient visual conditions may contribute to strained neck and back posture in dentists, Nordic ergonomics society annual conference Reykjavik, Iceland, 11-14 August 2013.

Nylén P. (2013) Occupational visual ergonomic conditions for workers above sixty‐five. Nordic ergonomics society annual conference Reykjavik, Iceland, 11-14 August 2013.

Nyström A-K, and Nylén P. (2013) Reids Base line as an alternative to the horizontal line when defining the visual angle. Nordic ergonomics society annual conference Reykjavik, Iceland, 11-14 August 2013.

Orvik A, Dellve L och Eriksson A. Organisatorisk hälsa och värdebaserat ledarskap – Behovet av systemperspektiv för en hållbar styrning och ledning av hälso- och sjukvården Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift Temanummer: Ledarskap, interventioner och hälsa 2013: 90: (6)

Rose, LM, Orrenius UE & Neumann, WP (2013) Work Environment and the Bottom Line: Survey of Tools Relating Work Environment to Business Results. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 23 (5) 368–381.Mikael Brännmark & Richard J. Holden (2013)

Persson Waye K, van Kamp I, Dellve L. Validation of a questionnaire measuring preschool children's reactions to and coping with noise in a repeated measurement design. BMJ Open. 2013 May 28;3(5). doi:pii: e002408. 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-002408. Print 2013. Free PMC Article

Vogel, K., Karltun, J., Eklund, J., Engkvist, I-L. (2013) Improving meat cutters' work: Changes and erffects following an intervention. Applied Ergonomics, 44(6)996-1003  Abstract

Wallin, Pousette, Dellve. Span of control and the significance for public sector managers job demands: A multilevel study. Economic and Industrial Democrazy. 2013 34 (4)

Wikström E, Arman A, Dellve L. ”Vad gör chefer med sin tid och hur kan tid och engagemang hanteras på ett mer hållbart sätt?” Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift Temanummer: Ledarskap, interventioner och hälsa 2013: 90: (6)

Zetterberg C,, Hemphälä H, Nylén P.Workshop in visual ergonomics. Nordic ergonomics society annual conference Reykjavik, Iceland, 11-14 August 2013.

Conference papers

Strömgren, M., Dellve, L., Eriksson, A. 2013 “Health promoting leadership – a structure to build capacity for health in a healthcare organization” [Oral conference presentation, The 3rd International Wellbeing at Work conference in Copenhagen, 26 - 28 May 2014 ]

Andersson, K. and Eklund, J. (2013) Lean Projects and Sustainability in the Swedish Agricultural Sector. Conference paper, HELIX Conference 12-14 June, 2013, HELIX VINN Excellence Centre, Linköping University.

Eklund, J., Brännmark, M., Dellve, L., Elg, M., Eriksson, A., Halling, B., Halvarsson, A., Kock, H., Williamsson, A., Andersson, K., Håkansson, M., Langstrand, J., Poksinska, B., Renström, J., Svensson, L., Vänje, A. (2013) Lean and working conditions – a current position.Conference paper, HELIX Conference 12-14 June, 2013, HELIX VINN Excellence Centre, Linköping University.

Halvarsson, A., Svensson, L., Brännmark, M., Eklund, J., Kock, H., Lindskog, P. (2013). Lean Production – an institutional and organizational perspective on two national programs. Conference paper, HELIX Conference 12-14 June, 2013, HELIX VINN Excellence Centre, Linköping University.

Lindskog, P., Halvarsson, A. and Brännmark, M. (2013). Sustainable Development Work (Lean) in Swedish Healthcare. A longitudinal and quantitative study concerning effects of goal settings on participation. Paper presented at the Helix conference. Linköping, Sweden.

Rose, L. (2013) Musculoskeletal Disorders – Why bother? Applied examples and risk management methods. Key-note presentation at the International Ergonomics Conference in Tallinn, Estonia October 10, 2013, arranged by the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Estonian Ergonomics Society and  the Estonian University of Life Sciences. Access

Rose, L. (2013) Organizational and individual effects of poor working environments at companies: methods, examples, and why we should care. Specially invited speaker presentation at the www2013, Work, Well-being and Wealth: Active Ageing at Work conference in Helsinki, Finland, August 26-28 2013, arranged by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. Abstact published in  Scandinavial  Journal of  Work, Environment & Health: conference abstracts, p 77, Access

Hemphälä H, Nylén P. (2013) Synergonomi gäller så mycket mer än trötta ögon. Ljuskultur 4/2013, s.4-7.

Hemphälä H, Nylén P. (2013) Hur påverkas vi av flimmer? Ljuskultur 5/2013, s.30-33.

Hemphälä H, Nylén P. (2013) Lagstadgade belysningskrav, finns det och är de i så fall rimliga? Ljuskultur 6/2013, s.18-21

Editered books

Dellve, Eriksson, Fredman, Kullén Engström. Lean i hälso- och sjukvården. I: Lean i arbetslivet. Red: Sederblad, Liber 2013

Eriksson & Dellve ”Samverkan i förbättringsarbete inom sjukvården” I: Om samverkan – för utveckling av hälsa och välfärd. Red: Axelsson & Axelsson. Studentlitteratur 2014

Book chapters

Brännmark, M. and Eklund, J. (2013) Leaninspirerade förändringar och personalens upplevelser. pp 103-121. I Sederblad, P. (red), Lean i arbetslivet, Liber, Stockholm. ISBN 978-91-47-10560-1