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Publications from the unit of Ergonomics for 2011

Peer reviewed publications

Engkvist, Inga-Lill, Svensson, Rickard, & Eklund, Jörgen. Reported occupational injuries at Swedish recycling centres - based on official statistics. Ergonomics 2011Vol. 54, No. 4, 357–366.

Dellve, Ahlstrom, Sandsjö, Jonsson, Forsman, Lindegård, Ahlstrand, Kadefors, Hagberg.Myofeedback training and intensive muscular strength training to improve work ability and decrease pain among female workers on long term sick leave with neck pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2011 Mar;84(3):335-46

Dellve, Hadzibajramovic, Ahlborg. Work attendance among health care workers: prevalence, incentives and consequences for health and performance. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2011 Sep;67(9):1918-29.

Engkvist, I-L., Svensson, R., Eklund, J., (2011). Reported occupational injuries at Swedish recycling centres - based on official statistics. Ergonomics, 54(4), 357–366.

Hemphälä, H., Eklund, J. (2012). A visual ergonomics     interventioninmail sorting   f  acilities: Effects on eyes, muscles and productivity, Applied Ergonomics 43(1), 217-229.

Engkvist, I-L., Svensson, R., Eklund, J., (2011). Reported occupational injuries at Swedish recycling centres - based on official statistics. Ergonomics, 54(4), 357–366

Kihlstedt, A. and Hägg, G. (2011). Checkout cashier work and counter design - Video movement analysis, musculoskeletal disorders and customer interaction. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 41(3), 201-207.

Krantz, G., Kreutz, G., Ericson, M., Theorell, T.: Bodily Movements Influence Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Responses to Isolated Melodic Intervals. Music and Medicine, 3:108-113, 2011.

Löve J, Hagberg M, Dellve L. Balancing extensive ambition and a context overflowing with opportunities and demands: A grounded theory on stress and recovery among highly educated working young women entering male-dominated occupational areas. International Journal of Qualitative Studies of Health and Wellbeing 2011;6(3).

Nyman T, Mulder M, Iliadou A, Svartengren M, and Wiktorin C. High heritability for concurrent low back and neck-shoulder pain - a study of twins. Spine 2011;36(22):E1469-76.

Rose, L M, Orrenius, U E, Neumann, W P (In press) Work Environment and the Bottom Line: Survey of Tools Relating Work Environment to Business ResultsAccepted for publication in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries and available online at

Skagert, Dellve, Ahlborg. Maintenance of position and health: a prospective study of managers in a public healthcare organisation. J Nursing Management 2011

Sundin, E., Björkman, M., Eklund, M., Eklund, J. and Engkvist, I.-L. (2011). Improving the layout of recycling centres by use of lean production principles. Waste Management 31(6) 1121–1132.

Tengelin, Arman, Wikström, DellveRegulating time commitments in healthcare organizations – managers’ boundary approaches at work and in life. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 2011; 25 (5)

Conference papers

Brännmark, M. (2011a). Lean administration - En litteraturgenomgång av lean när konceptet implementeras i kommuner. Paper presented at the Forum för arbetslivsforsknings konferens (FALF2010): Det nya arbetslivet, Luleå, Sweden.

Brännmark, M., & Halvarsson, A. (2011). Analysseminarier som samverkansform. Följeforskning för hållbart utvecklingsarbete? Paper presented at the Konferensen Högskola och samhälle i samverkan (HSS2011): Vi bygger tillsammans, Karlstad, Sweden.

Brännmark, M., Halvarsson, A., & Lindskog, P. (2011). Implementing Lean in Swedish Municipalities and Hospitals - Initial effects on the work system. Paper presented at the Forum för arbetslivsforsknings konferens (FALF2011): Det nya arbetslivet, Luleå, Sweden.

Favero, F. (2011) "Natural Light - Daylight and Artificial Light Qualities for the Design of Future Spaces, Development a Methodology", in 27th session of the CIE proceedings, pp.58-60

Karltun, J., Aili, K., Vogel, K Deboners’ stress in alternatively organized work. Paper presented at Human Factors in Organisational Design and Management 2011, Grahamstown

Lindskog (2011). Organizational Change through Interactive Research or a Consultant’s Intervention - Reflections about pros and cons. Nordic Academy of Management conference (NFF). Stockholm, Sweden.

Nylén, P. & Favero, F. (2011) Artificial light is just a complement to daylight? Proceedings of the Nordic Ergonomics Society 43nd Annual Conference, NES2011, 6 - 8 September 2011, Oulu, Finland.

Persson-Waye, van Kamp, Nielsen, Dellve (2011) Reliability and validity of instruments to measure pre- school children’s reaction to and coping with noise. 11th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN), London, UK (8 sidor)

Rose L, Lind C, Franzon H, Nord Nilsson L, Clausén A (2011) Development, Implementation and Dessimination of RAMP: Risk Assessment Tool for Manual Handling Proactively. Proceedings of the Nordic Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Conference, NES2011, September 6-8, 2011, Oulu, Finland, pp 255-260.

Rose L (2011)   Ergonomics and its Consequences for Businesses. Key-note presentation at and in proceedings of the first International Scientific-Practical Conference of the Latvian Ergonomics Society in Riga, October 7th, 2011. Riga, Latvia.


Wikström & Dellve, Tenglin, Arman. Chefers tidsanvändning och stress i sjukvården. Rapport från Västra Götalandsregionen 2011

Tengelin, Kihlman, Eklöf & DellveChefer i sjukhusmiljö: Avgränsningar och kommunikation av egen stress. Arbete och Hälsa 2011; 45 (1)

Eklund, J. och Antonsson, A-B., (2011). Arbetsmiljöförbättringar, kvalitet och produktivitet. I SOU 2011:63, Framgångsrik företagshälsovård – möjligheter och metoder. 57-67.

Popular science

Brännmark, M. (2011b). Svart eller vitt - onyanserad debatt hämmar utvecklingen av Lean.Kvalitetsmagasinet, 1, 16-18 

Publications 2012

Hemphälä, H., Eklund, J. (2012). A visual ergonomics intervention in mail sorting facilities: Effects on eyes, muscles and productivity, Applied Ergonomics 43(1), 217-229.